The Library of the Serpent

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593 total entries
95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of RelativityMueller and Kneckerbrodt🐍🐍Book51pdfPhysics
$A Beginners Guide to Constructing the UniverseMichael S. SchneiderBookAstrophysics
$A Brief History of TimeStephen HawkingBookPhysics
A Cascade Thermoacoustic EngineGardner and Swift🐍Paper15pdfEngineering
$A History of PythagoreanismCarl HuffmanBookPhilosophy
A Land Impacted - The Younger Dryas Boundary Event in CaliforniaTerry Jones and Douglas Kennett🐍🐍Paper12pdfArchaeology
$Ages in ChaosImmanuel VelikovskyBookArchaeoastronomy
$America BC: Ancient Settlers in the New WorldBarry FellBookNative American
$America BeforeGraham HancockBookArchaeology
Aquatic Fauna from the Takarkori Rock Shelterreveals the Holocene Central Saharan Climateand PalaeohydrographyWim Van Neer et al🐍🐍🐍Paper34pdfArchaeology
Archaeological Practice in Québec City - A Unesco World Heritage CityWilliam Moss🐍🐍🐍Paper27pdfArchaeology
$Bankrupting Physics: How Today's Top Scientists are Gambling Away Their CredibilityUnzicker and JonesBookPhysics
$Basic Economics 5th ED.Thomas SowellBookEconomics
$Before OrionBernie TaylorBookArchaeoastronomy
$Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence v1Rey Hernandez, et alBookUfology
$Black Holes and Time Warps : Einstein's Outrageous LegacyKip ThorneBookPhysics
$Brands of FaithMara EinsteinBookTheology
Catastrophism through the Ages and a Cosmic Catastrophe at the Origin of CivilizationMartin Sweatman🐍Paper5pdfArchaeoastronomy
Clayton Rings - Enigmatic Ancient Pottery in the Eastern SaharaHeiko Riemer and Rudolph Kuper🐍🐍Paper11pdfArchaeology
Clovis Hunting and Large Mammal Extinction - A Critical Review of the EvidenceDonald Grayson David Meltzer🐍🐍🐍🐍Paper47pdfArchaeology
Contacts - Cultural Resource Consulting Services - History and Archaeologyn/a🐍Paper12pdfArchaeology
Dating the Cart-Ruts of Terceira Island, Azores, PortugalFelix Rodriguez et al🐍🐍🐍Paper21pdfArchaeology
Mediterranean Bronze Age Metals TradeNoel Gale🐍🐍Paper18pdfArchaeology
Native American Mounds in Madison and Dane CountyRobert Birmingham and Katherine Rankin🐍🐍Paper11pdfArchaeology
Neanderthal-Denisovan Ancestors Interbredwith a Distantly Related HomininAlan R. Rogers et al🐍🐍Paper8pdfAnthropology
$The Ancient Giants Who Ruled AmericaRichard DewhurstBookGiants
$The Brotherhood of the Screaming AbyssTerrence McKennaBookPsychedelic
$The Catechism of the Catholic ChurchThe VaticanBookCatholic
The Chinese Pyramids and the SunAmelia Carolina Sparavigna🐍Paper5pdfArchaeoastronomy
$The Cosmic Serpentο»Ώ - DNA and the Origins of KnowledgeJeremy NarbyBookShamanism
$The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes - How a Stone-Age Comet Changed the Course of World CultureFirestone, West & Warwick-SmithBookYDIH
$The Electric SkyDonald ScottBookElectric Universe
$The Giza Power PlantChristopher DunnBookEgyptian
$The Greater Key of SolomonHebrewBookTheosophy
$The Higgs FakeAlexander UnzickerBookPhysics
$The Lesser Key of SolomonHebrewBookTheosophy
The Lost AmericansFrank C Hibben🐍🐍Book216pdfAnthropology
The Lost Journals of Nikola TeslaTim Swartz🐍🐍🐍Book155pdfTesla
$The Lost Technologies of Ancient EgyptChristopher DunnBookEgypt
The Magickal Talismans of King SolomonBaal Kadmon🐍🐍Book104pdfHebrew
The MahabharataKrishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book5,818pdfHindu
The Makers of CivilizationLaurence Waddell🐍🐍🐍🐍Book776pdfSumerian
The Maya the Sources of Their HistoryStephen Salisbury🐍🐍Book130epubMaya
The Mediterranean from 50,000 to 25,000 bpCamps and Szmidt🐍🐍🐍🐍Book551pdfArchaeology
$The Message of the Sphinx - A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of MankindHancock and BauvalBookArchaeoastronomy
The Mithras LiturgyHanz Dieter Betz🐍🐍🐍Book285pdfTheology
The Nag Hammadi Library (Gnostic Gospels)Nag Hammadi🐍🐍🐍Book297pdfGnostic
The NecronomiconSimon🐍🐍Book133pdfTheosophy
The Origin and Significance of the Great PyramidC Staniland Wake🐍🐍Book119pdfEgyptology
$The Orion MysteryRobert BauvalBookEgyptian
$The Orion Mystery Β· Unlocking the Secrets of the PyramidsBauval and GilbertBookEgyptian
The Path on the RainbowGeorge W. Cronyn🐍🐍🐍Book390pdfNative American
$The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern WorldSimon WinchesterBookEngineering
The Pillar of Witness - A Scriptural View of the Great PyramidB W Tracey🐍🐍Book93pdfEgypt
The Poetic EddaHenry Adams Bellows🐍🐍🐍🐍Book382pdfNordic
The Poetic Edda - Northvegr EditionBenjamin Thorpe🐍🐍🐍🐍Book434pdfNordic
The Presentation of Maat Ritual and Legitimacy in Ancient EgyptEmily Teeter🐍🐍🐍Book216pdfEgyptian
The Problem of the ObeliskReginald Engelbach🐍🐍🐍Book186pdfEgyptian
The Protection of QuΓ©bec’s HeritageGovernment of QuΓ©bec🐍Book32pdfHistory
The Quran (noble)Mohammad🐍🐍🐍Book978pdfIslam
The RamayanaRalph T. H. Griffith (translated)🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book1960pdfHindu
The Religion of the Ancient CeltsJohn Arnott MacCulloch🐍🐍🐍Book335pdfTheology
The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia - LecturesArchibald Henry Sayce🐍🐍🐍🐍Book514pdfTheology
The Rohonc Codexunknown11Book217pdfCryptic
The Rough Guide to Unexplained PhenomenaMichell and Rickard🐍🐍🐍🐍Book468pdfParanormal
The Royal Masonic CyclopaediaCambridge🐍🐍🐍🐍Book795pdfMasonic
The Sacred Mushroom and the CrossJohn M Allegro🐍🐍Book143pdfTheology
The Saturn MythDavid N. Talbott🐍🐍🐍🐍Book306pdfArchaeoastronomy
The Secret - A Treasure HuntSean Kelly and Ted Mann🐍🐍🐍Book41pdfCryptic
The Secret Destiny of AmericaManly P. Hall🐍🐍Book53pdfTheosophy
The Secret Doctrine IndexH P Blavatsky🐍Book338pdfTheosophy
The Secret Doctrine v1 CosmogenisisH P Blavatsky🐍🐍🐍🐍Book774pdfTheosophy
The Secret Doctrine v2 AnthropogenesisH P Blavatsky🐍🐍🐍🐍Book870pdfTheosophy
The Secret Doctrine v3H P Blavatsky🐍🐍🐍🐍Book630pdfTheosophy
The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries v1Charles William Heckethorn🐍🐍🐍Book422pdfTheology
The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries v2Charles William Heckethorn🐍🐍🐍Book352pdfTheosophy
The Secret Teachings of All AgesManly P Hall🐍🐍🐍🐍Book633pdfHermeticism
The Secret Teachings of All AgesManly P Hall🐍🐍🐍🐍Book675pdfTheosophy
The Secret of Adam - A Study of Nassorean GnosisE S Drower🐍🐍🐍Book115pdfGnostic
The Selfish GeneRichard Dawkins🐍🐍🐍Book196pdfEvolutionary Biology
$The Sign and the SealGraham HancockBookArchaeology
The Sirius MysteryRobert K G Temple🐍🐍🐍🐍Book349pdfArchaeoastronomy
The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses🐍🐍Book59pdfHebrew
The Sphinx - Its History in the Light of Recent ExcavationsSelim Hassan🐍🐍🐍Book304pdfEgyptian
$The Stars My DestinationAlfred BesterBookScience Fiction
The Symbolism of MasonryAlbert G Mackey M.D.🐍🐍🐍Book365pdfMasonic
The Teachings of Zoroaster and the Philosophy of the Parsi ReligionS A Kapadia🐍🐍Book104pdfZoroastrian
The Temple in Man - Sacred Architecture and the Perfect ManR A Schwaller de Lubicz🐍🐍Book129pdfEgyptology
The Tunguska MysteryVladimir Rubstov🐍🐍🐍Book328pdfCosmology
$The Universe in a NutshellStephen HawkingBookPhysics
The Unveiling of the Hopi PropheciesMarva Ruth Brook🐍🐍Book17pdfHopi
$The Vanished: The Evaporated People of JapanLΓ©na MaugerBookAnthropology
The Varieties of Religious ExperienceWilliam James🐍🐍🐍Book400pdfMetaphysics
The Velikovski AffairAlfred de Grazia🐍🐍Book80pdfAstrophysics
$The Velikovski HeresiesLaird ScrantonBookAcademia
The Voynich Manuscriptunknown11Book209pdfCryptic
The Wars of the Jews or History of the Destruction of JerusalemFlavius Josephus🐍🐍🐍🐍Book540pdfHistory
The Zend AvestaZoroastrianism🐍🐍🐍🐍Book389pdfZoroastrian
Theory and Phenomena on MetamaterialsVarious🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book926pdfPhysics
Thomas Jefferson and American Vertebrate PaleontologySilvio A Bedini🐍Book48pdfPaleontology
Three Books by Charles Fort - New Lands - Lo - Wild TalentsCharles Fort🐍🐍🐍🐍Book676pdfParanormal
Traditions of the HopiH R Voth🐍🐍🐍Book326pdfHopi
Travels through the Interior Parts of North America in the Years 1766 1767 and 1768Captain Joseph Carver🐍🐍🐍Book211pdfExploration
$True HallucinationsTerrence McKennaBookPsychedelic
$UnderworldGraham HancockBookArchaeology
Unweaving the RainbowRichard Dawkins🐍🐍🐍Book202pdfEvolutionary Biology
Voyages and Travels - Ancient and Modern v33Varioous🐍🐍🐍🐍Book412pdfExploration
Western Colorado PetroglyphsW C McKern🐍🐍Book136pdfArchaeology
Who Built the Moon?Peter Knight🐍🐍Book272pdfCosmology
Worlds in CollisionImmanuel Velikovsky🐍🐍🐍🐍Book220pdfGeophysics
$Edward NightingaleBookEgypt
A Beginners View of Our UniverseTom Findlay🐍🐍🐍Book195pdfElectric Universe
A Book of GiantsWilliam Strang🐍🐍Book75pdfGiants
A Brief Heraldic Guide to the British Armorial Guide Databaseunknown🐍🐍Book128pdfHeraldry
A Collection of Studies Relating to DolmensVarious🐍🐍Book73pdfGeotechnical Engineering
A Companion to Linear BVarious🐍🐍Book106pdfLinear B
A Complete Guide to HeraldryArthur Charles Fox-Davies🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book712pdfHeraldry
A Large Impact Crater Beneath Hiawatha Glacier in Northwest GreenlandAAAS (various)🐍Paper12pdfCosmology
A Manual of Khshnoom (Zoroastrianism Occult Knowledge)ZoroastrianismBook492pdfZoroastrian
A Work of SaturnJohann Isaac Hollandus🐍🐍Paper14pdfAlchemy
AMRC v01 Triumphal Chariot of AntimonyBasil Valentine🐍🐍🐍Book137pdfAlchemy
AMRC v02 Golden Chain of Homer pt1Anton Kirchweger🐍🐍🐍Book299pdfAlchemy
AMRC v02 Golden Chain of Homer pt2Anton Kirchweger🐍🐍🐍Book246pdfAlchemy
AMRC v04 Complete Alchemical Writings pt1Isaac Hollandus🐍🐍🐍Book317pdfAlchemy
AMRC v04 Complete Alchemical Writings pt2Isaac Hollandus🐍🐍🐍Book338pdfAlchemy
AMRC v06 Compound of AlchemyGeorge Ripley🐍🐍🐍Book185pdfAlchemy
AMRC v07 Correct UsageAnonymous🐍🐍Book58pdfAlchemy
AMRC v08 Compendium pt1Various🐍🐍🐍Book299pdfAlchemy
AMRC v08 Compendium pt2Various🐍🐍🐍Book271pdfAlchemy
AMRC v10 Of Antimony VulgarAlexander Van Suchten🐍🐍Book36pdfAlchemy
AMRC v11 Coelum PhilosophorumS. Bacstrom (translator)🐍🐍🐍Book130pdfAlchemy
AMRC v12 Theoricus DegreeAnonymous🐍🐍🐍Book161pdfAlchemy
AMRC v13 Aphorismi UrbigerusBaron Urbigerus🐍🐍🐍Book309pdfAlchemy
AMRC v14 Last Will and TestamentBasil Valentine🐍🐍🐍🐍Book460pdfAlchemy
AMRC v15 AcetoneJohann Becker🐍🐍🐍Book95pdfAlchemy
AMRC v16 Liber SecretusArtephius🐍🐍Book61pdfAlchemy
Abraham Lincoln at Niagra FallsAbraham Lincoln🐍🐍Book1.5txtGiants
Abstracts of Dr Nikola Teslas Writings Reattained as Exhibits for the Alien Property CustodianCIA🐍🐍Paper16pdfTesla
Account of the Fables and Rites of the IncasCristobal de Molina🐍🐍🐍Book187pdfMythology
Agenda 21United Nations🐍🐍🐍🐍Book351pdfNew World Order
Aku-Aku, the secret of Easter IslandThor HeyerdahlBookepubEaster Island
Alberuni's India v1Dr. Edward C. Sachau🐍🐍🐍🐍Book468pdfAnthropology
Along the Path - Kabbalistic StudiesElliot Wolfson🐍🐍🐍Book301pdfKabbalah
American Electricians' Handbook 15th EditionCroft Summers and Hartwell🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book1778pdfElectromagetism
American Indian Religious Traditions - An EncyclopediaCrawford and Kelley🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book1340pdfAnthropology
American Indians in the Pacific - The Kon-Tiki ExpeditionThor HeyerdahlBook918pdfAnthropology
An Analysis of the Prehistoric and Historic Rock Art of West-Central ColoradoSally J Cole🐍🐍🐍Book378pdfArchaeology
An Effort to Improve Remote Viewing Quality using HypnosisSRI🐍🐍Paper17pdfPsychic Communication
Analysis of Sacred ChronologySilvester Bliss🐍🐍🐍Book129pdfTheology
Anatomy of a PhenomenonJacques Vallee🐍🐍🐍Book265pdfUfology
Ancient Egypt Sacred Science and Transatlantic RomanticismMarques Jerard Redd🐍🐍🐍Book144pdfEgyptian
Ancient Egyptian Literature v1Miriam Lichtheim🐍🐍🐍Book129pdfEgyptian
Ancient Egyptian Literature v2Miriam Lichtheim🐍🐍🐍Book125pdfEgyptian
Ancient Egyptian Literature v3Miriam Lichtheim🐍🐍🐍Book118pdfEgyptian
Ancient IndiaS. Krishnaswami Aiyangab🐍🐍🐍🐍Book473pdfHistory
Ancient India as Described by PtolemyRamchandra Jain🐍🐍🐍🐍Book528pdfHistory
Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi ValleySquier and Davis🐍🐍🐍🐍Book452pdfGeotechnical Engineering
Ancient ReligionsSarah Iles Johnston🐍🐍Book285pdfTheology
Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life v1Drunvalo MelchizedeBook235pdfS Geometry
Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life v2Drunvalo MelchizedeBook244pdfS Geometry
Ancient TimesJames Henry Breasted🐍🐍🐍🐍Book850pdfHistory
Animals in the Symbolic World of PPN Gâbekli TepeJoris Peters and Klaus Schmidt🐍🐍Paper40pdfGobekli Tepe
Anomalies in GeologyWilliam R Corliss🐍🐍🐍Book339pdfGeophysics
Anti-gravity and the World GridDavid Hatcher Childress🐍🐍Book257pdfElectromagetism
Archeological History of Ohio - Mound Builders and Later IndiansGerard Fowke🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book792pdfGeotechnical Engineering
Archeological Journalof theTexas Prairie-SavannahACJ Environmental LLC🐍🐍Book78pdfArchaeology
Archeology Anthropology and Interstellar CommunicationNASA🐍🐍🐍🐍Book330pdfArchaeoastronomy
Aryan Sun MythsNims and Knight🐍🐍🐍Book200pdfMythology
Ashtanga YogaShri K. Pattabhi Jios🐍🐍🐍Book84pdfYoga
Ashtanga Yoga: a Teachers GuideShri K. Pattabhi Jios🐍🐍Book85pdfYoga
Atlantis - An InterpretationManly P Hall🐍Book42pdfHermeticism
Atlantis - The Antediluvian WorldIgnatius DonnellyBook505pdfAtlantis
Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (revised 2013)Ignatius DonnellyBook407pdfAtlantis
Atlantis Edda & BibleHermann WielandBook446pdfGermanic
Atmospheric Effects of Volcanic Eruptions as Seen by Famous Artists and Depicted in their PaintingsVarious🐍Paper16pdfGeophysics
Atoms of Silence - An Exploration of Cosmic EvolutionHubert Reeves🐍🐍🐍Book264pdfCosmology
Babylonaica of BerossusStanley Mayer Burstein🐍🐍Book39pdfTheology
Bayesian chronological analyses consistent with synchronous age of 12,835–12,735 Cal B.P. for Younger Dryas boundary on four continentsJames Kennett et al🐍🐍Paper10pdfCosmology
Beginners Star BookKevin McKready🐍🐍Book172pdfAstronomy
Bel - The Christ of Ancient TimesHugo Radau🐍🐍Book72pdfMythology
Beliefs and Rituals in Archaic Eastern North AmericaCheryl Claassen🐍🐍🐍Book404pdfAnthropology
Black Death Bibliographyn/a🐍Paper23pdfBibliography
Blood and MistletoeRonald Hutton🐍🐍🐍🐍Book507pdfDruidism
Bloodlines of IlluminatiFritz Springmeier🐍🐍🐍Book292pdfNew World Order
Book of Maat - Anubis HotepAnubis Hotep🐍🐍🐍Book394pdfEgyptian
Book of the DamnedCharles Fort🐍🐍🐍Book310pdfParanormal
Book of the Dead - Becoming God in Ancient EgyptUniversity of Chicago🐍🐍🐍🐍Book377pdfEgyptian
$Burning an Empire: The Story of American Forest FiresStewart Hall HolbrookBookCatastrophism
CIA Project MonarchRon Patton🐍🐍Book30txtMK Ultra
Caesers Conquest of GaulT Rice Holmes🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book944pdfHistory
Canadian Fairy TalesCyrus MacMillan🐍🐍🐍Book258pdfMythology
Celestial DynamicsThomas H Burgoyne🐍🐍Book103pdfMetaphysics
Chemical MoonshineJohan Friedrihch Fleischer🐍Book30pdfAlchemy
Classical Electrodynamics 2nd edition (textbook)John David Jackson🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book888pdfElectromagetism
Climate Through the AgesC E P Brooks🐍🐍🐍Book407pdfClimatology
Clock Behavior and the Search for an Underlying Mechanism for Relativistic PhenomenaRonald Hatch🐍🐍Paper12pdfPhysics
Codex GigasHerman the Recluse🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book612pdfChristian
Codice Atlantico (notebook scans)Leonardo Da Vinci🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book435pdfLeonardo DaVinci
Comets Lecture Slidesunknown🐍Paper50pdfCosmology
Compendium Rarissimumunknown🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book78pdfCryptic
Continuous-wave Room-temperature Diamond Maservarious🐍Paper7pdfLasers/Masers
Cosmos Without GravitationImmanuel Velikovsky🐍Paper17pdfCosmology
Creation Chaos Time - from Myth to Modern CosmologyJean-Pierre Luminet🐍Paper15pdfCosmology
Creation Myths of the World - An EncyclopediaDavid A Leeming🐍🐍🐍🐍Book602pdfMythology
Critical Analysis of Allen’s Ancient Egyptian Pyramid TextsTimofay Shmakov🐍🐍🐍🐍Book410pdfEgyptian
Current Research in Egyptology 2013 - Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Symposiumvarious🐍🐍🐍Book229pdfEgyptology
$DMT The Spirit MoleculeRick StrassmanBookPsychedelic
Dating Ptolemys AlmagestFomenko, Kalashnikov and Nosovsky🐍🐍🐍Book303pdfHistory
Decipherment Process of Linear BVarious🐍Paper5pdfLinear B
Decline of the WestOswald Spengler🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book1019pdfAnthropology
Decoding Gobekli Tepe with Archaeoastronomy - What Does the Fox SayMartin Sweatman and Dimitrios Tsikritsis🐍🐍Paper18pdfGobekli Tepe
Demon Invocations in the Coptic Magic SpellsDavid Frankfurter🐍🐍Paper14pdfMagic
Dictionary of Middle EgyptianPaul Dickson🐍🐍🐍🐍Book305pdfEgyptian
Discovering the Histories of Ancient AmericaFrank Joseph🐍🐍🐍Book289pdfArchaeology
$Disinformation Guide to Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Astonishing Archaeology and Hidden HistoryPreston PeetBookAnthropology
Distribution and Status of Carolina Bays in S CarolinaStephen Bennett and John Nelson🐍🐍Book98pdfGeophysics
$Drilling in Extreme EnvironmentsBar-Cohen and ZacnyBookEngineering
Early Man and the OceanThor HeyerdahlBook529epubMarine Navigation
$Earth Chronicles 1 The 12th PlanetZechariah SitchinBookAnnunaki
$Earth Chronicles 2 Stairway to HeavenZechariah SitchinBookAnnunaki
$Earth Chronicles 3 The Wars of Gods and MenZechariah SitchinBookAnnunaki
$Earth Chronicles 4 The Lost Realms.Zechariah SitchinBookAnnunaki
$Earth Chronicles 5 When Time BeganZechariah SitchinBookAnnunaki
$Earth Chronicles 6 The Cosmic CodeZechariah SitchinBookAnnunaki
Earth in UpheavalImmanuel VelikovskyBook326pdfGeophysics
Effigy Mounds Administrative HistoryJill York O'Bright🐍🐍Book200pdfGeotechnical Engineering
Egyptian Book of the DeadE.A. Wallis Budge🐍🐍Book69pdfEgyptian
Egyptian Book of the Dead (abstract)University of Chicago🐍🐍🐍Book377pdfEgyptian
Egyptian Hierogly DictionaryS., E. A. Wallis Budge🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book749pdfEgyptian
Egyptian Mythology A to ZPat Remler🐍🐍🐍Book233pdfEgyptian
Egypt Visual SourcebookJim Hewitt🐍Book369pdfEgypt
Einstein Doesnt Work Here AnymoreMaurice Cooke🐍🐍🐍Book123pdfPhysics
$Einstein's Lost Key: How We Overlooked the Best Idea of the 20th CenturyAlexander UnzickerBookPhysics
Electricity and Magnetism Bachelors of Physics 102 (textbook)Satya Prakash Singh🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book274pdfElectromagetism
Eliphas Lévi and the French Occult RevivalChristopher McIntosh🐍🐍🐍Book256pdfMagic
Empirico-Statistical Analysis v1 Development of ToolsAnatoly Fomenko🐍🐍🐍Book230pdfHistory
Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Talesvarious🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book1203pdfMythology
Engineering in the Ancient WorldJohn Gray Landels🐍🐍Book242pdfGeotechnical Engineering
$Escape from EinsteinRonald HatchBookPhysics
Europe and the People without HistoryEric Wolf🐍🐍Paper10pdfHumanities
Evidence for a Triassic KrakenMark McMenamin🐍Paper5pdfBiology
Evidence for deposition of 10 million tonnes of impact spherules across four continents 12,800 y agoJames Wittke et al🐍🐍Paper10pdfCosmology
Evidence from central Mexico supporting the Younger Dryas extraterrestrial impact hypothesisIsabel Israde-Alcantara et al🐍🐍Paper10pdfCosmology
Evidence of Cosmic Impact at Abu Hureyra, Syria at the Younger Dryas Onset (~12.8 ka): High-temperature melting at >2200°CAndrew M. T. Moore et al🐍🐍Paper22pdfCosmology
Evolution of the Solar SystemNASA🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book611pdfCosmology
Evolving Super Stimuli for Real Neurons Using Deep Generative NetworksVarious🐍🐍Paper19pdfNeurology
Experimentation and InterpretationDana C E Millson🐍🐍Book153pdfArchaeology
Experiments Past - Histories of Experimental ArcheologyVarious🐍🐍🐍Book288pdfArchaeology
$Extinction Shift PrincipleEdward Henry DowdyeBookCosmology
Extraordinary Biomass-Burning Episode and Impact Winter Triggered by the Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact ∼12,800 Years AgoWesndy S. Wolbach et al🐍🐍Paper21pdfCosmology
Fictitious and Symbolic Creatures in ArtJohn Vinycomb🐍🐍🐍Book304pdfSymbology
$Fingerprints of the GodsGraham HancockBookArchaeology
Fingers of God in an Expanding UniverseHalton Arp🐍Paper2pdfPhysics
Five Hundred and Seven Mechanical MovementsHenry Brown🐍Book132pdfMechanics
Flying Saucers - The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer SpaceCoral E Lorenzen🐍🐍🐍Book287pdfUfology
Flying Saucers are RealDonald Keyhoe🐍🐍Book174epubUfology
$Forbidden ArcheologyMichael CremoBookArchaeology
Forbidden Science v01Jacques Vallee🐍🐍🐍🐍Book479pdfUfology
Forbidden Science v02Jacques Vallee🐍🐍🐍🐍Book548pdfUfology
Forced Choice Remote ViewingEdwin May and Virginia Trask🐍🐍Paper21pdfPsychic Communication
Formation of Chondritic Meteorites and the Solar SystemWal Thornhill🐍Paper11pdfElectric Universe
Freemason BluebookGrand Lodge of Maine🐍🐍Book76pdfMasonic
Freemasonry in America Prior to 1750Melvin Maynard Johnson🐍🐍🐍Book241pdfMasonic
From Atlantis to the SphinxColin WilsonBook308pdfArchaeology
From Clovis to Comanchero - Archeological Overview of the Southern Great Plainsvarious🐍🐍🐍Book292pdfArchaeology
$From the Ashes: The Story of the Hinckley Fire of 1894Grace Stageberg SwensonBookCatastrophism
Fundamentals of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials (slides)Laura H. Lewis🐍Book115pdfElectromagetism
Galactic Encounters Apollo Objects and Atlantis - A Catastrophical Scenario for Discontinuities in Human HistoryEmilio Spedicato🐍🐍Book54pdfAstrophysics
Gematria - A Preliminary InvestigationFrederick Bond and Thomas Lea🐍🐍Book74pdfGematria
Geographia AntiquaCellarius🐍Book41pdfCartography
Geological and Geomorphological Study of the Original Hill at the Base of Fourth Dynasty Egyptian Monumentsvarious🐍Paper23pdfGeophysics
Geometric Exercises in Paper FoldingT. Sundra Row🐍🐍Book180pdfGeometry
Giant Comets Evolution and CivilizationClube, Napier, Hoyle, Wickramasinghe🐍🐍🐍Paper40pdfCosmology
$Giants on RecordHugh Newman and Jim VieiraBookGiants
Global Changes During the Last 3 Million Years - Climatic Controls and Biotic ResponsesWebb III and Bartlein🐍Paper30pdfGeophysics
Global Megaflood PaleohydrologyVictor Baker🐍🐍Paper26pdfGeophysics
Glossary of Landform and Geologic TermsNational Cooperative Soil Survey🐍🐍Book128pdfGeophysics
Gobekli Tepe SlideDr.Emine Sonnur Γ–zcan🐍Paper1pdfGobekli Tepe
$Gods and Robots: Myths, Machines and Ancient Dreams of TechnologyAdrienne MayorBookAncient Technology
$Gods of EdenWilliam BramleyBookAnthropology
GravitationMiser Thorne and Wheeler🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book1304pdfPhysics
$Guns Germs and SteelJared DiamondBookAnthropology
Gynecomastia in the Ancient Egypt Limestone Statue of HemiunuC. M. Oranges et al🐍Paper2pdfEgypt
Hamlet's MillSantillana/DechendBook340pdfArchaeoastronomy
Handbook of Unusual Natural PhenomenaWilliam R Corliss🐍🐍🐍🐍Book555pdfGeophysics
Heraldry for BeginnersJohn P. Brooke-Little🐍Book20pdfHeraldry
Herodotus v1Herodotus🐍🐍🐍Book546pdfHistory
$Hidden History of the Human RaceMichael CremoBookAnthropology
History - Fiction or Science - Chronology v1Anatoly Fomenko🐍🐍🐍🐍Book626pdfHistory
History - Fiction or Science - Chronology v2Anatoly Fomenko🐍🐍🐍🐍Book562pdfHistory
History - Fiction or Science - Chronology v3Anatoly Fomenko🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book828pdfHistory
History - Fiction or Science - Chronology v4Anatoly Fomenko🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book750pdfHistory
History of Geotechnical Engineering (slides)Ivo Herle🐍🐍Book98pdfGeotechnical Engineering
History of Plymouth PlantationWilliam Bradford🐍🐍🐍🐍Book478pdfHistory
History of Plymouth Plantation ExcerptWilliam Bradford🐍🐍Book23pdfHistory
History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern TimesIsaac Taylor🐍🐍🐍🐍Book424pdfHistory
Hopi Proper NamesH R Voth🐍🐍Book51pdfHopi
How do Microorganisms Reach the Stratospherevarious🐍Paper3pdfBiology
Humans in Latin America and Precolumia Lecture Slidesunknown🐍Paper38pdfNative American
Hyperspectral Imaging on a Precolonial Mesoamerican Codex (rev)Snijders, Zaman and Howell🐍Paper7pdfNative American
IPCC 5th Report on Climate Change 2014 the OceanIPCC (various)🐍🐍Book77pdfClimatology
Identification of Seven Loci Affecting Mean Telomere Lengthvarious🐍Paper8pdfGenetics
Illustrations of MasonryCaptain William Morgan🐍🐍Book88pdfMasonic
In Search of the MiraculousP D Ouspensky🐍🐍🐍🐍Book396pdfPsychic Communication
Ind Evaluation of Conflicting Microspherule results from Diff Investigations of the YDIHvarious🐍Paper10pdfCosmology
Independent evaluation of conflicting microspherule results from different investigations of the Younger Dryas impact hypothesisMalcolm LeCompte et al🐍🐍Paper10pdfCosmology
Indian Art of the United StatesDouglas and d'Harmoncourt🐍🐍Book221pdfNative American
Infrared and Optical MasersSchawlow & Townes🐍Paper10pdfLasers/Masers
Integrated outcrop - Western Desert EgyptBosworth Stockli and Helgeson🐍Paper14pdfGeophysics
Interpretation of the Archaeological Record for the Area in and Around the Helena ValleyWilliam B. Long🐍🐍🐍Book156pdfArchaeology
$Into the Bermuda TriangleGian J. QuasarBookBermuda Triangle
Intrinsic Redshifts in Quasars and GalaxiesHalton Arp, Fulton and Carosati🐍🐍Paper36pdfPhysics
Intro to Freemasonry - The Masters BookCarl H Claudy🐍🐍Book84pdfMasonic
Introduction to GematriaTheophilos Christophorou🐍Book8pdfGematria
Introduction to Quantum MechanicsDavid Griffiths🐍🐍🐍Book303pdfPhysics
Irish Origins of Civilization v1Michael Tsarion🐍🐍🐍🐍Book688pdfHistory
Iron RepublicRichard Morgan🐍🐍Book94pdfAnthropology
Isis Unveiled vol1H P Blavatski🐍🐍🐍🐍Book674pdfTheosophy
Johnson Report on Al Daadi FiresR. S. Johnson and B. H. Bahabri🐍🐍Paper24pdfParanormal
Journey to XibalbaDon Patterson🐍🐍🐍Book314pdfArchaeology
Journey to the WestWu Chengβˆ’en🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book1410pdfChinese
Khordeh AvestaZoroastrianismBook365pdfZoroastrian
Këbra Nagast - The Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son MenyelekSir E. A. Wallis Budge🐍🐍🐍Book279pdfHebrew
La Porta AlchemicaWiki🐍Book1docAlchemy
Landscape and Astronomy in Megalithic PortugalFabio Silva🐍Paper16pdfGeotechnical Engineering
LasersAnthony Siegman🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book1285pdfLasers/Masers
Lasers and Masers - A Continuing BibliographyNASA🐍🐍🐍🐍Book367pdfLasers/Masers
Le Morte d'Arthur: Stories of Arthur and His KnightsSir Thomas Malory🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book770pdfArthurean
Lectures on AlchemyTerrence McKenna🐍🐍Book40pdfAlchemy
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (Companion Secret Teachings of All Ages)Manly P Hall🐍🐍🐍🐍Book529pdfHermeticism
Lewis and Clark JournalsLewis and ClarkBook422pdfExploration
Lightning Auroras Nocturnal Lights and Related Luminous PhenomeWilliam R Corliss🐍🐍🐍Book248pdfGeophysics
Linda Schele Drawing Collection 01Linda Schele🐍Book100pdfMaya
Linda Schele Drawing Collection 02Linda Schele🐍Book100pdfMaya
Linda Schele Drawing Collection 03Linda Schele🐍Book99pdfMaya
Linda Schele Drawing Collection 04Linda Schele🐍Book100pdfMaya
Lorentzian Dynamics (abstracts)Ronald Hatch🐍🐍Paper17pdfPhysics
$Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of Science's Highest HonorBrian KeatingBookPhysics
Lost Race of the GiantsPatrick Chouinard🐍🐍🐍Book193pdfGiants
Lovelock CaveLoud and Harrington🐍🐍🐍Book260pdfGiants
$Magicians of the GodsGraham HancockBookArchaeology
Magnetic CurrentEdward Leedskalnin🐍🐍Book51pdfElectromagetism
Making Places in the Prehistoric WorldBrück and Goodman🐍🐍🐍Book239pdfArchaeology
Man - Past and PresentA H Keane🐍🐍🐍🐍Book636pdfAnthropology
Man - The Grand Symbol of the MysteriesManly P Hall🐍🐍🐍🐍Book412pdfEsoteric
Man and His SymbolsCarl Jung🐍🐍🐍Book319pdfSymbology
$Mankind in AmnesiaImmanuel VelikovskyBookArchaeology
$Manuscript 512Mrs. Richard BurtonBookExpedition
Maps and MapmakingE. A. Reeves🐍🐍🐍Book178pdfCartography
Maps of the Ancient Sea KingsCharles Hapgood🐍🐍🐍Book348pdfCartography
Mars Exploration 1984 (remote viewing)CIA🐍Book9pdfPsychic Communication
Mars as Viewed by Mariner 9NASA🐍🐍Book244pdfAstronomy
Matter Ether and MotionA. E. Dolbear🐍🐍🐍🐍Book352pdfPhysics
Mazes and Labyrinths - A General Accounting of Their History and DevelopmentW H Matthews🐍🐍🐍Book357pdfArchaeology
Mean Paleomagnetic Poles for the Major Continents and the Pacific PlateRichard Gordon and Rob Van der Voo🐍🐍Paper15pdfGeophysics
Measuring Ancient Works - HandoutDonald L Teter🐍Book60pdfGeotechnical Engineering
Medicinal Plants v01Bentley and Trimen🐍🐍🐍🐍Book550pdfMedicine - Herbal
Medicinal Plants v02Bentley and Trimen🐍🐍🐍🐍Book602pdfMedicine - Herbal
Medicinal Plants v03Bentley and Trimen🐍🐍🐍🐍Book576pdfMedicine - Herbal
Medicinal Plants v04Bentley and Trimen🐍🐍🐍🐍Book458pdfMedicine - Herbal
Medieval Philosophy from Thomas AquinasMaurice De Wulf🐍🐍Book172pdfPhilosophy
Messengers of Deception - UFO Contacts and CultsJacques Vallee🐍🐍Book272pdfUfology
MicrographiaRobert Hooke🐍🐍🐍🐍Book323pdfOptics
Minoan Linear A v1Peter George van Soesbergen🐍🐍Book52pdfLinear A
Minoan linguistic resources: The Linear A Digital Corpusvarious🐍Paper10pdfLinear A
Miskwabik - Metal of RitualAmelia M Trevelyan🐍🐍🐍Book358pdfArchaeology
Missing TimeBuddy Hopkins🐍🐍Book256pdfUfology
$Monster Truck Technology – The Definitive History of Monster Truck EvolutionMarty GarzaBookEngineering
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of FreemasonryAlbert Pike🐍🐍🐍🐍Book641pdfMasonic
Multiple Pinch Formations in Small Plasma-focus Devicesvarious🐍🐍Paper7pdfPhysics
Musical GematriaWilliam Zeitler🐍🐍Book34pdfGematria
My InventionsNikola Tesla🐍🐍Book34pdfTesla
Mysterious Creatures - A Guide to CryptozoologyGeorge M. Eberhart🐍🐍🐍🐍Book772pdfCryptozoology
Mystery of the Five Seals - Gnostic Initiation ReconsideredAlastair H B Logan🐍Book20pdfGnostic
MysticsWilliam Harmless, S.J.Book369pdfMysticism
Mystics of the Christian TraditionSteven FanningBook300pdfChristian
Myth and Symbol in Ancient EgyptR. T. Rundle Clark🐍🐍🐍Book316pdfEgyptian
Mythmaking in Alien Abduction NarrativesStephanie Kelley-Romano🐍Paper24pdfPsychology
Mythology of all Races v01 Greek and RomanWilliam Sherwood Fox🐍🐍🐍🐍Book684pdfMythology
Mythology of all Races v02 EddicAxel Olrik🐍🐍🐍🐍Book612pdfMythology
Mythology of all Races v03 Celtic and SlavicMacCulloch and MÑchal🐍🐍🐍🐍Book572pdfMythology
Mythology of all Races v04 Finno-Ugric and SiberianUno Holmberg🐍🐍🐍🐍Book878pdfMythology
Mythology of all Races v05 SemiticR. Campbell Thomson🐍🐍🐍🐍Book500pdfMythology
Mythology of all Races v06 Indian and IranianKeith and Carnoy🐍🐍🐍🐍Book604pdfMythology
Mythology of all Races v07 Armenian and AfricanAnanikian and Werner🐍🐍🐍🐍Book622pdfMythology
Mythology of all Races v08 Chinese and JapaneseHattori and Anesaki🐍🐍🐍🐍Book556pdfMythology
Mythology of all Races v09 OceanicRoland Burrage Dixon🐍🐍🐍🐍Book492pdfMythology
Mythology of all Races v10 North AmericanHartley Burr Alexander🐍🐍🐍🐍Book423pdfMythology
Mythology of all Races v11 Latin-AmericanHartley Burr Alexander🐍🐍🐍🐍Book622pdfMythology
Mythology of all Races v12 Egyptian and IndochineseMüller and Scott🐍🐍🐍🐍Book566pdfMythology
Myths and Legends of the Celtic RaceThomas William Rolleston🐍🐍🐍🐍Book490pdfMythology
Myths of the NorsemenHélène Adeline Guerber🐍🐍🐍Book547pdfNordic
Myths of Pre-Columbian AmericaDonald A Mackenzie🐍🐍🐍🐍Book440pdfMythology
Nagualism: A Study of Native American Folklore and HistoryDaniel G. BrintonBook65pdfNative American
Nanofluidic Structures with Complex Three-dimensional Surfacesvarious🐍🐍Paper7pdfPhysics
Native iron in Quaternary deposits of the Darhad BasinD. M. Pechersky et al🐍🐍🐍Paper16pdfArchaeology
Natural Climate Change - Teacher Backgroundunknown🐍Paper4pdfGeophysics
Navajo Creation Myth - The Story of the EmergenceHasteen Klah🐍🐍🐍Book257pdfNative American
Necronomicon Anunnaki BibleJoshua Free🐍🐍🐍Book425pdfTheology
New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of AmericaBenjamin Smith Barton🐍🐍🐍Book221pdfNative American
Newton Einstein & VelikovskyCharles Ginenthal🐍🐍🐍🐍Book478pdfElectric Universe
No Experimental Evidence for the Significant Anthropogenic Climate ChangeKaupinnen and Malmi🐍🐍Paper6pdfGeophysics
$Norse MythologyNeil GaimanBookNordic
North American Indian Effigy MoundsAndrei Apostol🐍Paper15pdfGeotechnical Engineering
Occult Philosophy or Magic 1 Natural MagicHenry Agrippa🐍🐍🐍Book316pdfMagic
Occult Philosophy or Magic 2 The Language of Demons and AngelsHenry Agrippa🐍🐍🐍Book265pdfMagic
$Oedipus and AkhnatonImmanuel VelikovskyBookAnthropology
On Mankind - Their Origin and DestinyArthur Doyt Thomson🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book860pdfHistory
On the Construction of the Vaults of the Middle AgesR Willis🐍🐍Book74pdfGeotechnical Engineering
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural SelectionCharles Darwin🐍🐍🐍🐍Book410pdfEvolutionary Biology
Ontario Archaeological SocietyArch NotesOntario Achaeological Society🐍🐍🐍Paper26pdfArchaeology
Ontarios Archaeological Curation Crisis - Twenty Years LaterStuart Karrow🐍🐍🐍Paper40pdfArchaeology
OpticksIsaac Newton🐍🐍🐍Book376pdfOptics
Orders of the Quest - The Holy GrailManly P Hall🐍🐍Book102pdfEsoteric
Paleomagnetism - Continents and OceansMcElhinney and McFadden🐍🐍🐍🐍Book407pdfGeophysics
Paleomagnetism - Magnetic Domains to Geologic TerranesRobert F Butler🐍🐍🐍Book248pdfGeophysics
Paradise Found - The Cradle of the Human Race at the North PoleWilliam Fairfield Warren🐍🐍🐍Book545pdfAnthropology
Partitions Compartments and Portals - Cave Development in Internally Impounded Karst MassesR. Armstrong and L. Osborne🐍🐍Paper11pdfGeophysics
Parzival - A Knightly Epic vol1Wolfram Von Eschenbach🐍🐍🐍Book359pdfArthurean
Parzival - A Knightly Epic vol2Wolfram Von Eschenbach🐍🐍🐍Book236pdfArthurean
Pentagrams Hexagrams and Sacred GeometryJason Augustus Newcomb🐍Book3pdfAlchemy
Philosophy of MasonryRoscoe Pound🐍🐍🐍Book112pdfMasonic
Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (textbook)Buschow & Boer🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book191pdfElectromagetism
Pictograph Cave State Park🐍🐍Paper17pdfWorksheet
Pictorial Key to the TarotArthur Edward Waite🐍🐍Book134pdfAlchemy
Pictorial Symbols of AlchemyArthur Edward Waite🐍Book9pdfAlchemy
Pieces of Eight - Chaos Magic Essays and EnchantmentsGordon White🐍🐍🐍Book155pdfMagic
Plague - C1372Abbott and Rocke🐍🐍Book96pdfPlagues
Plague and the Edn of AntiquityLester K Little🐍🐍🐍Book392pdfPlagues
Popol Vuh the Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the KichesLewis Spence🐍🐍Book51epubMaya
Possible Photon Production During a Remote Viewing Task - A Replication ExperimentSRI🐍Paper5pdfPsychic Communication
Power Generation from Ambient Humidityusing Protein NanowiresXiaomeng Liu et al🐍Paper7pdfPhysics
Pre-Columbian PopulationLewis Lord🐍Paper4pdfNative American
$Prehistory DecodedDr. Martin SweatmanBookAnthropology
Prehistory of the Central Mississippi ValleyCharles McNutt🐍🐍🐍Book328pdfArchaeology
Probable History of the Holloman Gravel PitatFrederick, OklahomaO. F. Evans🐍Paper3pdfGeophysics
Protophobic Fifth Force Intptn Obsvd Anomaly 8Be Nuclear TransVarious🐍🐍Paper6pdfPhysics
Psi SpieJim Marrs🐍🐍🐍Book320pdfPsychic Communication
Pyramid Facts and FanciesJames Bonwick🐍🐍🐍Book216pdfEgyptian
Quantum Electrodynamics & 2012David Sereda🐍🐍Book77pdfPhysics
Quarks Fake - Brief ChronologyPeter Sujak🐍Paper3pdfPhysics
Quasars, Gamma Ray Bursters and BL LacertidsHalton Arp🐍Paper3pdfCosmology
$ReMaking History v01William GurstelleBookEngineering
Relativity and GPSRonald Hatch🐍🐍Paper26pdfPhysics
Remote ViewingTim Rifat🐍🐍Book99pdfPsychic Communication
Report of Archeological Investigations for 2018 Texas Parks and Wildlife DepartmentStrutt and Mahoney🐍🐍🐍Book286pdfArchaeology
Report on the Clocks and the Equivalence Principle by Ronald HatchAlzetta Jonathan🐍🐍Paper45pdfPhysics
Reports of the California Archaeological Survey no3UC Berkeley🐍Paper13pdfArchaeology
Representation of Deities of the Maya ManuscriptPaul Schellhas🐍🐍Book56epubMaya
Rethinking SymbolismDan Sperber🐍🐍Book162pdfSymbology
River Out of EdenRichard Dawkins🐍🐍🐍Book183pdfEvolutionary Biology
Sacred Books of the East v01 The Upanishads pt1Max Muller🐍🐍🐍🐍Book471pdfHindu
Sacred Geometry of BeingPatricia Silva McNeill🐍🐍Paper26pdfMagic
Sacred Geometry of Perfect Forms in East and WestRichard Cooler🐍Paper14pdfGeotechnical Engineering
$Sacred Mushroom Rituals: The Search for the Blood of QuetzalcoatlTom LaneBookPsychedelic
Sacred Mysteries of the Mayas and Quiches 11500 Years AgoAugustus Le Plongeon🐍🐍Book150epubMaya
Science and Catastrophism from Velikovsk to the Present DayTrevor Palmer🐍Paper47pdfCatastrophism
Secret History of the WorldMark Booth🐍🐍🐍🐍Book409pdfHistory
Secrets of the Lost RacesRene Noorbergen🐍🐍Book221pdfArchaeology
$Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic ScienceHalton ArpBookCosmology
$Serpent in the Sky - The High Wisdom of Ancient EgyptJohn Anthony WestBookEgyptian
Shakespeare - The complete worksWilliam Shakespeare🐍🐍🐍🐍Book3,601pdfShakespeare
Singh ThesisSatya Prakash Singh🐍🐍🐍Book194pdfElectromagetism
Sirius and the Project of the Megalithic Enclosures at Gobekli TepeGiulio Magli🐍Paper4pdfGobekli Tepe
So What is Actually the Distance from the Equator to the PoleA Weintrit🐍Paper14pdfMetrology
Solari Report 2-21-19 Walter BosleySolari Report🐍🐍Book38pdfInterview
Some Mysteries of the UniverseWilliam R Corliss🐍🐍🐍Book216pdfCosmology
Space-time Transients and Unusual EventsPersinger and Lafrenièr🐍🐍🐍Book256pdfParanormal
Speculative MasonryAndrew Somerville MacBride🐍🐍🐍Book292pdfMasonic
Star Lore of All AgesWilliam Tyler Olcott🐍🐍🐍🐍Book608pdfMythology
Star Names and Their MeaningsRichard Hickley Allen🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book599pdfArchaeoastronomy
$Stargazers and GravediggersImmanuel VelikovskyBookAnthropology
Stimulating Emission - The Principles of the Maser and Laser (slides)Matt Henderson🐍Paper15pdfLasers/Masers
Student World AtlasMapQuest🐍🐍Book115pdfCartography
Sun Lore of all AgesWilliam Tyler Olcott🐍🐍🐍Book438pdfMythology
Symbol and the Symbolic Ancient Egypt - Science and the Evolution of ConsciousnessR. A. Schwaller de Lubicz🐍🐍Book89pdfEgyptian
Symbolical MasonryH. L. Haywood🐍🐍🐍Book275pdfMasonic
Symbolism of the TarotP. D. Ouspensky🐍🐍Book63pdfAlchemy
Symbolism of the Three DegreesOliver Day Street🐍🐍Book53pdfMasonic
$Tales of the PictsStewart McHardyBookAnthropology
$TalismanHancock and BauvalBookArchaeology
Tao I ChingVladimir Antonov🐍🐍🐍🐍Book44pdfTaoism
$Technology of the GodsDavid Hatcher ChildressBookAncient Engineering
Telomerases Telomeres and CancerKrupp & Parwaresch🐍🐍🐍🐍Book444pdfGenetics
Telomeres and Telomerase - Methods and ProtocolDouble & Thompson🐍🐍🐍Book236pdfGenetics
Telomeres and Telomerase in Ageing Disease and CancerK Lenhard Rudolph🐍🐍🐍Book328pdfGenetics
Temples Tombs and Monuments of Ancient Rome and GreeceW. H. Davenport Adams🐍🐍🐍Book328pdfGeotechnical Engineering
Texas EarthquakesFrohlich and Davis🐍🐍🐍Book294pdfGeophysics
Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept Report of Archeological Investigations 2018Michael A Strutt🐍🐍🐍Book286pdfArchaeology
TexasDOT Archeological Sites Technical Study(Tex-Okla Pass Rail Study)USDoT-Rail🐍🐍Book86pdfArchaeology
The Adam and Eve StoryChan Thomas🐍🐍Book57pdfCataclysm
The Ancestor's TaleRichard Dawkins🐍🐍🐍🐍Book510pdfEvolutionary Biology
The Ancient Celts and Their Sprituality (slides)Thomas Egan🐍Paper20pdfTheology
The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts v1R. O. Faulkner🐍🐍🐍Book299pdfEgyptian
The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts v2R. O. Faulkner🐍🐍🐍Book316pdfEgyptian
The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts v3R. O. Faulkner🐍🐍🐍Book210pdfEgyptian
The Ancient EngineersL. Sprague de Camp🐍🐍🐍Book482pdfGeotechnical Engineering
The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America (Supplement)Richard Dewhurst🐍🐍Book54pdfGiants
The Arctic Home in the VedasLokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak🐍🐍🐍Book545pdfHindu
The Arctic Home in the Vedas (revised)Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak🐍🐍🐍Book471pdfHindu
The Astrobiology PrimerMary Anne Leibert🐍🐍Book79pdfCosmology
The Atra Hasis (Akkadian flood)Akkidian🐍🐍Paper17pdfCatastrophism
The Bible AtlasThe Access FoundationBook197pdfCartography
The Bible KJVKing James Version🐍🐍🐍🐍Book742pdfChristian
The Blind WatchmakerRichard Dawkins🐍🐍🐍Book336pdfEvolutionary Biology
The Book of DagonJeremiah Van-Meier🐍Book29pdfTheosophy
The Book of EnochAndy McCracken🐍🐍Book158pdfHebrew
The Book of EnochEthiopian Hebrew🐍🐍Book160pdfHebrew
The Book of JasherJ. H. ParryBook405pdfHebrew
The Book of KellsSir Bart Edward Sullivan🐍🐍🐍Book193pdfCeltic
The Book of MormonJoseph SmithBook558pdfMormon
The Book of Talismans Amulets and Zodiacal GemsThomas & Pavitt🐍🐍🐍🐍Book331pdfAlchemy
The Books of the Chilan BalamDaniel G Brinton🐍Book28epubMaya
The BuildersJoseph Fort Newton🐍🐍Book111pdfMasonic
The Chaldaean Oracles of ZoroasterWilliam Wynn Westcott🐍🐍Book72pdfZoroastrian
The Character of Physical LawRichard Feynman🐍🐍🐍Book176pdfPhysics
The Characterisation and Provenancing of Ancient OchresNicola Attard Montalto🐍🐍🐍Book293pdfArchaeology
The Codex Colombino-Becker (Interpretation)Nancy Ireze Patterson Troike🐍🐍🐍🐍Book494pdfMaya
The Coordinate Remote Viewing ManualVarious🐍🐍Book98pdfPsychic Communication
The Coordinate Remote Viewing Stages 1-4Swann🐍Book40pdfPsychic Communication
The Cosmic Forces of MuJames Churchward🐍🐍Book280pdfCosmology
The Cyclone of Fire -or- The Hinckley FireCompanion Publishing Co🐍🐍Book86pdfCatastrophism
The Dawn of Astronomy - A Study of the Temple Worship and Mythology of the Ancient EgyptiansJ. Norman Lockyer🐍🐍🐍🐍Book482pdfEgyptian
The Death of HeraclesEv Cochrane🐍🐍Paper18pdfCatastrophism
The Decipherment of Linear ASimon Davis🐍Paper25pdfLinear A
The Dresden Codex (Forstemann scans)Forstemann🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book74pdfMaya
The Dresden Codex (The Maya Society)William Gates🐍🐍Book81pdfMaya
The Eddas - The Keys to the Mysteries of the NorthJames Allen Chisholm🐍🐍🐍Book217pdfNordic
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the AtlanteanDr. Doreal🐍🐍🐍Book67pdfAlchemy
The Epic of Gilgamesh and other Akkadian and Sumerian TextsSumerian🐍🐍Book300pdfSumerian
The Epidemic of Justinian (AD 542) - A Prelude to the Middle AgesActa Theologica🐍🐍Paper13pdfPlagues
The Extended PhenotypeRichard Dawkins🐍🐍🐍Book287pdfEvolutionary Biology
The Fairy Faith in Celtic CountriesW Y Evans Wentz🐍🐍🐍🐍Book562pdfCeltic
The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries bwW Y Evans Wentz🐍🐍🐍🐍Book562pdfCeltic
The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola TeslaDavid Hatcher Childress🐍🐍🐍Book244pdfTesla
The First 23 Pages of the Dresden Codex - The Divination PagesEdwin L. Barnhart🐍🐍🐍Book145pdfMaya
The First Book of UrizenWilliam Blake🐍Book16pdfMagic
The Foundations of the Origin of SpeciesCharles Darwin🐍🐍🐍Book310pdfEvolutionary Biology
The Four VedasHinduBook1,446pdfHindu
The Gallic WarsJulius Caeser🐍🐍🐍Book196pdfHistory
The Gateway Experience - Brain Hemisphere Synchronization in PerspectiveWayne M McDonnell🐍🐍🐍Paper29pdfPsychic Communication
The Geological Record of Meteorite ImpactsGordon R. Osinski🐍Paper12pdfCosmology
The Giza Death Star 1Joseph P Farrell🐍🐍🐍Book312pdfLasers/Masers
The Giza Death Star 2 DeployedJoseph P Farrell🐍🐍🐍Book300pdfLasers/Masers
The Giza Death Star 3 DestroyedJoseph P Farrell🐍🐍🐍Book301pdfLasers/Masers
The Gods of the Egyptians v1E. A. Wallis Bugde🐍🐍🐍BookpdfEgyptian
The Gods of the Egyptians v2E. A. Wallis Bugde🐍🐍🐍Book556pdfEgyptian
The Gospel of JudasNat'l Geographic Society🐍Book7pdfGnostic
The Gospel of ThomasNag Hammadi🐍Book16pdfGnostic
The Great Fire of 1910🐍Paper9pdfCatastrophism
The Great Fires of October 1871🐍Paper11pdfCatastrophism
The Great Pyramid of Giza - Decoding the Measure of a MonumentEckhart R Schmitz🐍🐍Book131pdfEgypt
The Great Pyramid of Giza - History and SpeculationJames Bonwick🐍🐍🐍Book233pdfEgyptian
The Greatest Show on EarthRichard Dawkins🐍🐍🐍Book257pdfEvolutionary Biology
The Greek MythsRobert Graves🐍🐍🐍Book422pdfMythology
The Guns of NASAWilliam L. Ross Sr. and Donald Henderson🐍🐍Paper8pdfEngineering
The Hero With A Thousand FacesJoseph Campbell🐍🐍🐍🐍Book497pdfLiterary Anthology
The Human AtmosphereWalter Kilner🐍🐍🐍Book360pdfPhysiology
The Hunt for Zero PointNick Cook🐍🐍🐍Book318pdfPhysics
The Illustrated Guide to the Egyptian Museum CairoAmerican Univ. Press in Cairo🐍🐍🐍Book314pdfEgyptian
The Incas - The Royal Commentaries of the IncaGarcilaso de la Vega🐍🐍🐍Book452pdfMaya
The Indians Old World - Native Americans and the Coming of EuropeansNeal Salisbury🐍Paper25pdfNative American
The Law of One v1McCarthy Elkins and Rueckert🐍🐍🐍Book233pdfPsychic Communication
The Law of One v2McCarthy Elkins and Rueckert🐍🐍🐍Book125pdfPsychic Communication
The Law of One v3McCarthy Elkins and Rueckert🐍🐍🐍Book178pdfPsychic Communication
The Law of One v4McCarthy Elkins and Rueckert🐍🐍🐍Book213pdfPsychic Communication
The Law of One v5McCarthy Elkins and Rueckert🐍🐍🐍Book210pdfPsychic Communication
The Legends of the JewsLouis GinzbergBook696pdfHebrew
The Light of Egypt v1Thomas H Burgoyne🐍🐍🐍Book300pdfMetaphysics
The Light of Egypt v2Thomas H Burgoyne🐍🐍Book124pdfMetaphysics
The Literary Works of Leonardo Da Vinci v1Jean Paul Richter🐍🐍🐍🐍Book544pdfLeonardo DaVinci
The Orientations of the Giza Pyramids and Associated StructuresNell and Ruggles🐍🐍Paper54pdfEgyptian
The Origin of the Carolina Bays and the Oriented Lakes of AlaskaAllan O. Kelly🐍🐍Paper6pdfCosmology
The Rgvedic Soma PlantRajesh Kochhar🐍Paper16pdfTheology
The Spirit of Manitou Across North AmericaHerman Bender🐍🐍Paper35pdfNative American
The Symbol of the Hybrid Human Alien Childin the Abduction PhenomenonRobert J. Williams🐍🐍Paper14pdfPsychology
The Wilsall Excavations - An Exercise in FrustrationDee C. Taylor🐍Paper4pdfArchaeology
The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis a RequiemElsevier (various)🐍Paper18pdfCosmology
Thermoacoustic Power Systems for Space ApplicationsBackhaus Tward and Petach🐍🐍Paper8pdfEngineering
The Literature of Ancient EgyptYale University🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍Book619pdfEgyptian
Three Elusive AmuletsA. A. Barb🐍🐍Paper27pdfEsoteric
Translation of Einstein’s Attempt of aο»Ώ Unified Field Theory with TeleparallelismUnzicker and Case🐍🐍Paper23pdfPhysics
Tyrants and RobotsAdrienne Mayor🐍Paper13pdfAncient Technology
Understanding the Plasma and Magnetic Field Evolution of a Filamentvarious🐍🐍Paper17pdfElectric Universe
Was the Higgs Boson DiscoveredNguyen and Nguyen🐍🐍🐍Paper23pdfPhysics
Why do we Still Believe in Newton’s LawAlexander Unzicker🐍🐍🐍Paper29pdfPhysics
Wisconsin Dept of Nat Resources - Burials Earthworks and Mounds Preservation Policy and PlanWisconsin Dept of Nat Resources🐍Paper6pdfArchaeology
Wisconsin Stories - The Great Peshtigo FireRev Peter Pernin🐍🐍Paper36pdfCatastrophism
Younger Dryas Black Mats and the RancholabreanTermination in North AmericaC. Vance Haynes Jr.🐍Paper6pdfCosmology
Yucatan Before and After the ConquestDiego de Landa🐍🐍🐍Book249pdfMaya

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