For additions or comments contact
Title | Author | Difficulty | Type | Pages | File | Subject |
95 Years of Criticism ofο»Ώ the Special Theory of Relativity | Mueller and Kneckerbrodt | ππ | Book | 51 | Physics | |
$A Beginners Guide to Constructing the Universe | Michael S. Schneider | Book | Astrophysics | |||
$A Brief History of Time | Stephen Hawking | Book | Physics | |||
A Cascade Thermoacoustic Engine | Gardner and Swift | π | Paper | 15 | Engineering | |
$A History of Pythagoreanism | Carl Huffman | Book | Philosophy | |||
A Land Impacted - The Younger Dryas Boundary Event in California | Terry Jones and Douglas Kennett | ππ | Paper | 12 | Archaeology | |
$Ages in Chaos | Immanuel Velikovsky | Book | Archaeoastronomy | |||
$America BC: Ancient Settlers in the New World | Barry Fell | Book | Native American | |||
$America Before | Graham Hancock | Book | Archaeology | |||
Aquatic Fauna from the Takarkori Rock Shelterreveals the Holocene Central Saharan Climateand Palaeohydrography | Wim Van Neer et al | πππ | Paper | 34 | Archaeology | |
Archaeological Practice in QuΓ©bec City - A Unesco World Heritage City | William Moss | πππ | Paper | 27 | Archaeology | |
$Bankrupting Physics: How Today's Top Scientists are Gambling Away Their Credibility | Unzicker and Jones | Book | Physics | |||
$Basic Economics 5th ED. | Thomas Sowell | Book | Economics | |||
$Before Orion | Bernie Taylor | Book | Archaeoastronomy | |||
$Beyond UFOs: The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence v1 | Rey Hernandez, et al | Book | Ufology | |||
$Black Holes and Time Warps : Einstein's Outrageous Legacy | Kip Thorne | Book | Physics | |||
$Brands of Faith | Mara Einstein | Book | Theology | |||
Catastrophism through the Ages and a Cosmic Catastrophe at the Origin of Civilization | Martin Sweatman | π | Paper | 5 | Archaeoastronomy | |
Clayton Rings - Enigmatic Ancient Pottery in the Eastern Sahara | Heiko Riemer and Rudolph Kuper | ππ | Paper | 11 | Archaeology | |
Clovis Hunting and Large Mammal Extinction - A Critical Review of the Evidence | Donald Grayson David Meltzer | ππππ | Paper | 47 | Archaeology | |
Contacts - Cultural Resource Consulting Services - History and Archaeology | n/a | π | Paper | 12 | Archaeology | |
Dating the Cart-Ruts of Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal | Felix Rodriguez et al | πππ | Paper | 21 | Archaeology | |
Mediterranean Bronze Age Metals Trade | Noel Gale | ππ | Paper | 18 | Archaeology | |
Native American Mounds in Madison and Dane County | Robert Birmingham and Katherine Rankin | ππ | Paper | 11 | Archaeology | |
Neanderthal-Denisovan Ancestors Interbredwith a Distantly Related Hominin | Alan R. Rogers et al | ππ | Paper | 8 | Anthropology | |
$The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America | Richard Dewhurst | Book | Giants | |||
$The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss | Terrence McKenna | Book | Psychedelic | |||
$The Catechism of the Catholic Church | The Vatican | Book | Catholic | |||
The Chinese Pyramids and the Sun | Amelia Carolina Sparavigna | π | Paper | 5 | Archaeoastronomy | |
$The Cosmic Serpentο»Ώ - DNA and the Origins of Knowledge | Jeremy Narby | Book | Shamanism | |||
$The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes - How a Stone-Age Comet Changed the Course of World Culture | Firestone, West & Warwick-Smith | Book | YDIH | |||
$The Electric Sky | Donald Scott | Book | Electric Universe | |||
$The Giza Power Plant | Christopher Dunn | Book | Egyptian | |||
$The Greater Key of Solomon | Hebrew | Book | Theosophy | |||
$The Higgs Fake | Alexander Unzicker | Book | Physics | |||
$The Lesser Key of Solomon | Hebrew | Book | Theosophy | |||
The Lost Americans | Frank C Hibben | ππ | Book | 216 | Anthropology | |
The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla | Tim Swartz | πππ | Book | 155 | Tesla | |
$The Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt | Christopher Dunn | Book | Egypt | |||
The Magickal Talismans of King Solomon | Baal Kadmon | ππ | Book | 104 | Hebrew | |
The Mahabharata | Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa | πππππ | Book | 5,818 | Hindu | |
The Makers of Civilization | Laurence Waddell | ππππ | Book | 776 | Sumerian | |
The Maya the Sources of Their History | Stephen Salisbury | ππ | Book | 130 | epub | Maya |
The Mediterranean from 50,000 to 25,000 bp | Camps and Szmidt | ππππ | Book | 551 | Archaeology | |
$The Message of the Sphinx - A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind | Hancock and Bauval | Book | Archaeoastronomy | |||
The Mithras Liturgy | Hanz Dieter Betz | πππ | Book | 285 | Theology | |
The Nag Hammadi Library (Gnostic Gospels) | Nag Hammadi | πππ | Book | 297 | Gnostic | |
The Necronomicon | Simon | ππ | Book | 133 | Theosophy | |
The Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid | C Staniland Wake | ππ | Book | 119 | Egyptology | |
$The Orion Mystery | Robert Bauval | Book | Egyptian | |||
$The Orion Mystery Β· Unlocking the Secrets of the Pyramids | Bauval and Gilbert | Book | Egyptian | |||
The Path on the Rainbow | George W. Cronyn | πππ | Book | 390 | Native American | |
$The Perfectionists: How Precision Engineers Created the Modern World | Simon Winchester | Book | Engineering | |||
The Pillar of Witness - A Scriptural View of the Great Pyramid | B W Tracey | ππ | Book | 93 | Egypt | |
The Poetic Edda | Henry Adams Bellows | ππππ | Book | 382 | Nordic | |
The Poetic Eddaο»Ώ - Northvegr Edition | Benjamin Thorpe | ππππ | Book | 434 | Nordic | |
The Presentation of Maatο»Ώ Ritual and Legitimacyο»Ώ in Ancient Egypt | Emily Teeter | πππ | Book | 216 | Egyptian | |
The Problem of the Obelisk | Reginald Engelbach | πππ | Book | 186 | Egyptian | |
The Protection of QuΓ©becβs Heritage | Government of QuΓ©bec | π | Book | 32 | History | |
The Quran (noble) | Mohammad | πππ | Book | 978 | Islam | |
The Ramayana | Ralph T. H. Griffith (translated) | πππππ | Book | 1960 | Hindu | |
The Religion of the Ancient Celts | John Arnott MacCulloch | πππ | Book | 335 | Theology | |
The Religions ofο»Ώ Ancient Egypt and Babylonia - Lectures | Archibald Henry Sayce | ππππ | Book | 514 | Theology | |
The Rohonc Codex | unknown | 11 | Book | 217 | Cryptic | |
The Rough Guide to Unexplained Phenomena | Michell and Rickard | ππππ | Book | 468 | Paranormal | |
The Royal Masonic Cyclopaedia | Cambridge | ππππ | Book | 795 | Masonic | |
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross | John M Allegro | ππ | Book | 143 | Theology | |
The Saturn Myth | David N. Talbott | ππππ | Book | 306 | Archaeoastronomy | |
The Secret - A Treasure Hunt | Sean Kelly and Ted Mann | πππ | Book | 41 | Cryptic | |
The Secret Destiny of America | Manly P. Hall | ππ | Book | 53 | Theosophy | |
The Secret Doctrine Index | H P Blavatsky | π | Book | 338 | Theosophy | |
The Secret Doctrine v1 Cosmogenisis | H P Blavatsky | ππππ | Book | 774 | Theosophy | |
The Secret Doctrine v2 Anthropogenesis | H P Blavatsky | ππππ | Book | 870 | Theosophy | |
The Secret Doctrine v3 | H P Blavatsky | ππππ | Book | 630 | Theosophy | |
The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries v1 | Charles William Heckethorn | πππ | Book | 422 | Theology | |
The Secret Societies of all Ages and Countries v2 | Charles William Heckethorn | πππ | Book | 352 | Theosophy | |
The Secret Teachings of All Ages | Manly P Hall | ππππ | Book | 633 | Hermeticism | |
The Secret Teachings of All Ages | Manly P Hall | ππππ | Book | 675 | Theosophy | |
The Secret of Adam - A Study of Nassorean Gnosis | E S Drower | πππ | Book | 115 | Gnostic | |
The Selfish Gene | Richard Dawkins | πππ | Book | 196 | Evolutionary Biology | |
$The Sign and the Seal | Graham Hancock | Book | Archaeology | |||
The Sirius Mystery | Robert K G Temple | ππππ | Book | 349 | Archaeoastronomy | |
The Sixth and Seventh Book of Moses | ππ | Book | 59 | Hebrew | ||
The Sphinx ο»Ώ- Its History in the Light of Recent ο»ΏExcavations | Selim Hassan | πππ | Book | 304 | Egyptian | |
$The Stars My Destination | Alfred Bester | Book | Science Fiction | |||
The Symbolism of Masonry | Albert G Mackey M.D. | πππ | Book | 365 | Masonic | |
The Teachings of Zoroaster and the Philosophy of the Parsi Religion | S A Kapadia | ππ | Book | 104 | Zoroastrian | |
The Temple in Man - Sacred Architecture and the Perfect Man | R A Schwaller de Lubicz | ππ | Book | 129 | Egyptology | |
The Tunguska Mystery | Vladimir Rubstov | πππ | Book | 328 | Cosmology | |
$The Universe in a Nutshell | Stephen Hawking | Book | Physics | |||
The Unveiling of the Hopi Prophecies | Marva Ruth Brook | ππ | Book | 17 | Hopi | |
$The Vanished: The Evaporated People of Japan | LΓ©na Mauger | Book | Anthropology | |||
The Varieties of Religious Experience | William James | πππ | Book | 400 | Metaphysics | |
The Velikovski Affair | Alfred de Grazia | ππ | Book | 80 | Astrophysics | |
$The Velikovski Heresies | Laird Scranton | Book | Academia | |||
The Voynich Manuscript | unknown | 11 | Book | 209 | Cryptic | |
The Wars of the Jews or History of the Destruction of Jerusalem | Flavius Josephus | ππππ | Book | 540 | History | |
The Zend Avesta | Zoroastrianism | ππππ | Book | 389 | Zoroastrian | |
Theory and Phenomena on Metamaterials | Various | πππππ | Book | 926 | Physics | |
Thomas Jefferson and American Vertebrate Paleontology | Silvio A Bedini | π | Book | 48 | Paleontology | |
Three Books byο»Ώ Charles Fort - New Lands - Lo - Wild Talents | Charles Fort | ππππ | Book | 676 | Paranormal | |
Timaeus | Plato | ππ | Book | 166 | Philosophy | |
Traditions of the Hopi | H R Voth | πππ | Book | 326 | Hopi | |
Travels through the Interior Parts of North America in the Years 1766 1767 and 1768 | Captain Joseph Carver | πππ | Book | 211 | Exploration | |
$True Hallucinations | Terrence McKenna | Book | Psychedelic | |||
$Underworld | Graham Hancock | Book | Archaeology | |||
Unweaving the Rainbow | Richard Dawkins | πππ | Book | 202 | Evolutionary Biology | |
Voyages and Travels - Ancient and Modern v33 | Varioous | ππππ | Book | 412 | Exploration | |
Western Colorado Petroglyphs | W C McKern | ππ | Book | 136 | Archaeology | |
Who Built the Moon? | Peter Knight | ππ | Book | 272 | Cosmology | |
Worlds in Collision | Immanuel Velikovsky | ππππ | Book | 220 | Geophysics | |
$ | Book | |||||
$ | Edward Nightingale | Book | Egypt | |||
A Beginners View of Our Universe | Tom Findlay | πππ | Book | 195 | Electric Universe | |
A Book of Giants | William Strang | ππ | Book | 75 | Giants | |
A Brief Heraldic Guide to the British Armorial Guide Database | unknown | ππ | Book | 128 | Heraldry | |
A Collection of Studies Relating to Dolmens | Various | ππ | Book | 73 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
A Companion to Linear B | Various | ππ | Book | 106 | Linear B | |
A Complete Guide to Heraldry | Arthur Charles Fox-Davies | πππππ | Book | 712 | Heraldry | |
A Large Impact Crater Beneath Hiawatha Glacier in Northwest Greenland | AAAS (various) | π | Paper | 12 | Cosmology | |
A Manual of Khshnoom (Zoroastrianism Occult Knowledge) | Zoroastrianism | Book | 492 | Zoroastrian | ||
A Work of Saturn | Johann Isaac Hollandus | ππ | Paper | 14 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v01 Triumphal Chariot of Antimony | Basil Valentine | πππ | Book | 137 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v02 Golden Chain of Homer pt1 | Anton Kirchweger | πππ | Book | 299 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v02 Golden Chain of Homer pt2 | Anton Kirchweger | πππ | Book | 246 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v04 Complete Alchemical Writings pt1 | Isaac Hollandus | πππ | Book | 317 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v04 Complete Alchemical Writings pt2 | Isaac Hollandus | πππ | Book | 338 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v06 Compound of Alchemy | George Ripley | πππ | Book | 185 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v07 Correct Usage | Anonymous | ππ | Book | 58 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v08 Compendium pt1 | Various | πππ | Book | 299 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v08 Compendium pt2 | Various | πππ | Book | 271 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v10 Of Antimony Vulgar | Alexander Van Suchten | ππ | Book | 36 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v11 Coelum Philosophorum | S. Bacstrom (translator) | πππ | Book | 130 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v12 Theoricus Degree | Anonymous | πππ | Book | 161 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v13 Aphorismi Urbigerus | Baron Urbigerus | πππ | Book | 309 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v14 Last Will and Testament | Basil Valentine | ππππ | Book | 460 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v15 Acetone | Johann Becker | πππ | Book | 95 | Alchemy | |
AMRC v16 Liber Secretus | Artephius | ππ | Book | 61 | Alchemy | |
Abraham Lincoln at Niagra Falls | Abraham Lincoln | ππ | Book | 1.5 | txt | Giants |
Abstracts of Dr Nikola Teslas Writings Reattained as Exhibits for the Alien Property Custodian | CIA | ππ | Paper | 16 | Tesla | |
Account of the Fables and Rites of the Incas | Cristobal de Molina | πππ | Book | 187 | Mythology | |
Agenda 21 | United Nations | ππππ | Book | 351 | New World Order | |
Aku-Aku, the secret of Easter Island | Thor Heyerdahl | Book | epub | Easter Island | ||
Alberuni's India v1 | Dr. Edward C. Sachau | ππππ | Book | 468 | Anthropology | |
Along the Path - Kabbalistic Studies | Elliot Wolfson | πππ | Book | 301 | Kabbalah | |
American Electricians' Handbook 15th Edition | Croft Summers and Hartwell | πππππ | Book | 1778 | Electromagetism | |
American Indian Religious Traditions - An Encyclopedia | Crawford and Kelley | πππππ | Book | 1340 | Anthropology | |
American Indians in the Pacific - The Kon-Tiki Expedition | Thor Heyerdahl | Book | 918 | Anthropology | ||
An Analysis of the Prehistoric and Historic Rock Art of West-Central Colorado | Sally J Cole | πππ | Book | 378 | Archaeology | |
An Effort to Improve Remote Viewing Quality using Hypnosis | SRI | ππ | Paper | 17 | Psychic Communication | |
Analysis of Sacred Chronology | Silvester Bliss | πππ | Book | 129 | Theology | |
Anatomy of a Phenomenon | Jacques Vallee | πππ | Book | 265 | Ufology | |
Ancient Egypt Sacred Science and Transatlantic Romanticism | Marques Jerard Redd | πππ | Book | 144 | Egyptian | |
Ancient Egyptian Literature v1 | Miriam Lichtheim | πππ | Book | 129 | Egyptian | |
Ancient Egyptian Literature v2 | Miriam Lichtheim | πππ | Book | 125 | Egyptian | |
Ancient Egyptian Literature v3 | Miriam Lichtheim | πππ | Book | 118 | Egyptian | |
Ancient India | S. Krishnaswami Aiyangab | ππππ | Book | 473 | History | |
Ancient India as Described by Ptolemy | Ramchandra Jain | ππππ | Book | 528 | History | |
Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley | Squier and Davis | ππππ | Book | 452 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
Ancient Religions | Sarah Iles Johnston | ππ | Book | 285 | Theology | |
Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life v1 | Drunvalo Melchizede | Book | 235 | S Geometry | ||
Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life v2 | Drunvalo Melchizede | Book | 244 | S Geometry | ||
Ancient Times | James Henry Breasted | ππππ | Book | 850 | History | |
Animals in the Symbolic World of PPN GΓΆbekli Tepe | Joris Peters and Klaus Schmidt | ππ | Paper | 40 | Gobekli Tepe | |
Anomalies in Geology | William R Corliss | πππ | Book | 339 | Geophysics | |
Anti-gravity and the World Grid | David Hatcher Childress | ππ | Book | 257 | Electromagetism | |
Archeological History of Ohio - Mound Builders and Later Indians | Gerard Fowke | πππππ | Book | 792 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
Archeological Journalof theTexas Prairie-Savannah | ACJ Environmental LLC | ππ | Book | 78 | Archaeology | |
Archeology Anthropology and Interstellar Communication | NASA | ππππ | Book | 330 | Archaeoastronomy | |
Aryan Sun Myths | Nims and Knight | πππ | Book | 200 | Mythology | |
Ashtanga Yoga | Shri K. Pattabhi Jios | πππ | Book | 84 | Yoga | |
Ashtanga Yoga: a Teachers Guide | Shri K. Pattabhi Jios | ππ | Book | 85 | Yoga | |
Atlantis - An Interpretation | Manly P Hall | π | Book | 42 | Hermeticism | |
Atlantis - The Antediluvian World | Ignatius Donnelly | Book | 505 | Atlantis | ||
Atlantis - The Antediluvian World (revised 2013) | Ignatius Donnelly | Book | 407 | Atlantis | ||
Atlantis Edda & Bible | Hermann Wieland | Book | 446 | Germanic | ||
Atmospheric Effects of Volcanic Eruptions as Seen by Famous Artists and Depicted in their Paintings | Various | π | Paper | 16 | Geophysics | |
Atoms of Silence - An Exploration of Cosmic Evolution | Hubert Reeves | πππ | Book | 264 | Cosmology | |
Babylonaica of Berossus | Stanley Mayer Burstein | ππ | Book | 39 | Theology | |
Bayesian chronological analyses consistent with synchronous age of 12,835β12,735 Cal B.P. for Younger Dryas boundary on four continents | James Kennett et al | ππ | Paper | 10 | Cosmology | |
Beginners Star Book | Kevin McKready | ππ | Book | 172 | Astronomy | |
Bel - The Christ of Ancient Times | Hugo Radau | ππ | Book | 72 | Mythology | |
Beliefs and Rituals in Archaic Eastern ο»ΏNorth America | Cheryl Claassen | πππ | Book | 404 | Anthropology | |
Black Death Bibliography | n/a | π | Paper | 23 | Bibliography | |
Blood and Mistletoe | Ronald Hutton | ππππ | Book | 507 | Druidism | |
Bloodlines of Illuminati | Fritz Springmeier | πππ | Book | 292 | New World Order | |
Book of Maat - Anubis Hotep | Anubis Hotep | πππ | Book | 394 | Egyptian | |
Book of the Damned | Charles Fort | πππ | Book | 310 | Paranormal | |
Book of the Dead - Becoming God in Ancient Egypt | University of Chicago | ππππ | Book | 377 | Egyptian | |
$Burning an Empire: The Story of American Forest Fires | Stewart Hall Holbrook | Book | Catastrophism | |||
CIA Project Monarch | Ron Patton | ππ | Book | 30 | txt | MK Ultra |
Caesers Conquest of Gaul | T Rice Holmes | πππππ | Book | 944 | History | |
Canadian Fairy Tales | Cyrus MacMillan | πππ | Book | 258 | Mythology | |
Celestial Dynamics | Thomas H Burgoyne | ππ | Book | 103 | Metaphysics | |
Chemical Moonshine | Johan Friedrihch Fleischer | π | Book | 30 | Alchemy | |
Classical Electrodynamics 2nd edition (textbook) | John David Jackson | πππππ | Book | 888 | Electromagetism | |
Climateο»Ώ Through the Ages | C E P Brooks | πππ | Book | 407 | Climatology | |
Clock Behavior and the Search for an ο»ΏUnderlying Mechanism for Relativistic ο»ΏPhenomena | Ronald Hatch | ππ | Paper | 12 | Physics | |
Codex Gigas | Herman the Recluse | πππππ | Book | 612 | Christian | |
Codice Atlantico (notebook scans) | Leonardo Da Vinci | πππππ | Book | 435 | Leonardo DaVinci | |
Comets Lecture Slides | unknown | π | Paper | 50 | Cosmology | |
Compendium Rarissimum | unknown | πππππ | Book | 78 | Cryptic | |
Continuous-wave Room-temperature Diamond Maser | various | π | Paper | 7 | Lasers/Masers | |
Cosmos Without Gravitation | Immanuel Velikovsky | π | Paper | 17 | Cosmology | |
Creation Chaos Time - from Myth to Modern Cosmology | Jean-Pierre Luminet | π | Paper | 15 | Cosmology | |
Creation Myths of the World ο»Ώ- An Encyclopedia | David A Leeming | ππππ | Book | 602 | Mythology | |
Critias | Plato | ππ | Book | 27 | Philosophy | |
Critical Analysis of Allenβs Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts | Timofay Shmakov | ππππ | Book | 410 | Egyptian | |
Current Researchο»Ώ in Egyptology 2013ο»Ώ - Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Symposium | various | πππ | Book | 229 | Egyptology | |
$DMT The Spirit Molecule | Rick Strassman | Book | Psychedelic | |||
Dating Ptolemys Almagest | Fomenko, Kalashnikov and Nosovsky | πππ | Book | 303 | History | |
Decipherment Process of Linear B | Various | π | Paper | 5 | Linear B | |
Decline of the West | Oswald Spengler | πππππ | Book | 1019 | Anthropology | |
Decoding Gobekli Tepeο»Ώ with Archaeoastronomy - What Does the Fox Say | Martin Sweatman and Dimitrios Tsikritsis | ππ | Paper | 18 | Gobekli Tepe | |
Demon Invocations in the Coptic Magic Spells | David Frankfurter | ππ | Paper | 14 | Magic | |
Dictionary of Middle Egyptian | Paul Dickson | ππππ | Book | 305 | Egyptian | |
Discovering the Histories of Ancient America | Frank Joseph | πππ | Book | 289 | Archaeology | |
$Disinformation Guide to Ancient Aliens, Lost Civilizations, Astonishing Archaeology and Hidden History | Preston Peet | Book | Anthropology | |||
Distribution and Status of Carolina Bays in S Carolina | Stephen Bennett and John Nelson | ππ | Book | 98 | Geophysics | |
$Drilling in Extreme Environments | Bar-Cohen and Zacny | Book | Engineering | |||
Early Man and the Ocean | Thor Heyerdahl | Book | 529 | epub | Marine Navigation | |
$Earth Chronicles 1 The 12th Planet | Zechariah Sitchin | Book | Annunaki | |||
$Earth Chronicles 2 Stairway to Heaven | Zechariah Sitchin | Book | Annunaki | |||
$Earth Chronicles 3 The Wars of Gods and Men | Zechariah Sitchin | Book | Annunaki | |||
$Earth Chronicles 4 The Lost Realms. | Zechariah Sitchin | Book | Annunaki | |||
$Earth Chronicles 5 When Time Began | Zechariah Sitchin | Book | Annunaki | |||
$Earth Chronicles 6 The Cosmic Code | Zechariah Sitchin | Book | Annunaki | |||
Earth in Upheaval | Immanuel Velikovsky | Book | 326 | Geophysics | ||
Effigy Mounds Administrative History | Jill York O'Bright | ππ | Book | 200 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
Egyptian Book of the Dead | E.A. Wallis Budge | ππ | Book | 69 | Egyptian | |
Egyptian Book of the Dead (abstract) | University of Chicago | πππ | Book | 377 | Egyptian | |
Egyptian Hierogly Dictionary | S., E. A. Wallis Budge | πππππ | Book | 749 | Egyptian | |
Egyptian Mythology A to Z | Pat Remler | πππ | Book | 233 | Egyptian | |
Egyptο»Ώ Visual Sourcebook | Jim Hewitt | π | Book | 369 | Egypt | |
Einstein Doesnt Work Here Anymore | Maurice Cooke | πππ | Book | 123 | Physics | |
$Einstein's Lost Key: How We Overlooked the Best Idea of the 20th Century | Alexander Unzicker | Book | Physics | |||
Electricity and Magnetism Bachelors of Physics 102 (textbook) | Satya Prakash Singh | πππππ | Book | 274 | Electromagetism | |
Eliphas LΓ©vi and the French Occult Revival | Christopher McIntosh | πππ | Book | 256 | Magic | |
Empirico-Statistical Analysis v1 Development of Tools | Anatoly Fomenko | πππ | Book | 230 | History | |
Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales | various | πππππ | Book | 1203 | Mythology | |
Engineering in the Ancient World | John Gray Landels | ππ | Book | 242 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
$Escape from Einstein | Ronald Hatch | Book | Physics | |||
Europe and the People without History | Eric Wolf | ππ | Paper | 10 | Humanities | |
Evidence for a Triassic Kraken | Mark McMenamin | π | Paper | 5 | Biology | |
Evidence for deposition of 10 million tonnes of impact spherules across four continents 12,800 y ago | James Wittke et al | ππ | Paper | 10 | Cosmology | |
Evidence from central Mexico supporting the Younger Dryas extraterrestrial impact hypothesis | Isabel Israde-Alcantara et al | ππ | Paper | 10 | Cosmology | |
Evidence of Cosmic Impact at Abu Hureyra, Syria at the Younger Dryas Onset (~12.8 ka): High-temperature melting at >2200Β°C | Andrew M. T. Moore et al | ππ | Paper | 22 | Cosmology | |
Evolution of the Solar System | NASA | πππππ | Book | 611 | Cosmology | |
Evolving Super Stimuli for Real Neurons Using Deep Generative Networks | Various | ππ | Paper | 19 | Neurology | |
Experimentation and Interpretation | Dana C E Millson | ππ | Book | 153 | Archaeology | |
Experiments Past - Histories of Experimental Archeology | Various | πππ | Book | 288 | Archaeology | |
$Extinction Shift Principle | Edward Henry Dowdye | Book | Cosmology | |||
Extraordinary Biomass-Burning Episode and Impact Winter Triggered by the Younger Dryas Cosmic Impact βΌ12,800 Years Ago | Wesndy S. Wolbach et al | ππ | Paper | 21 | Cosmology | |
Fictitious and Symbolic Creatures in Art | John Vinycomb | πππ | Book | 304 | Symbology | |
$Fingerprints of the Gods | Graham Hancock | Book | Archaeology | |||
Fingers of God in an Expanding Universe | Halton Arp | π | Paper | 2 | Physics | |
Five Hundred and Seven Mechanical Movements | Henry Brown | π | Book | 132 | Mechanics | |
Flying Saucers - The Startling Evidence of the Invasion from Outer Space | Coral E Lorenzen | πππ | Book | 287 | Ufology | |
Flying Saucers are Real | Donald Keyhoe | ππ | Book | 174 | epub | Ufology |
$Forbidden Archeology | Michael Cremo | Book | Archaeology | |||
Forbidden Science v01 | Jacques Vallee | ππππ | Book | 479 | Ufology | |
Forbidden Science v02 | Jacques Vallee | ππππ | Book | 548 | Ufology | |
Forced Choice Remote Viewing | Edwin May and Virginia Trask | ππ | Paper | 21 | Psychic Communication | |
Formation of Chondritic Meteorites and the Solar System | Wal Thornhill | π | Paper | 11 | Electric Universe | |
Freemason Bluebook | Grand Lodge of Maine | ππ | Book | 76 | Masonic | |
Freemasonry in America Prior to 1750 | Melvin Maynard Johnson | πππ | Book | 241 | Masonic | |
From Atlantis to the Sphinx | Colin Wilson | Book | 308 | Archaeology | ||
From Clovis to Comanchero - Archeological Overview of the Southern Great Plains | various | πππ | Book | 292 | Archaeology | |
$From the Ashes: The Story of the Hinckley Fire of 1894 | Grace Stageberg Swenson | Book | Catastrophism | |||
Fundamentals of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials (slides) | Laura H. Lewis | π | Book | 115 | Electromagetism | |
Galactic Encounters Apollo Objects and Atlantis - A Catastrophical Scenario for Discontinuities in Human History | Emilio Spedicato | ππ | Book | 54 | Astrophysics | |
Gematriaο»Ώ - A Preliminary Investigation | Frederick Bond and Thomas Lea | ππ | Book | 74 | Gematria | |
Geographia Antiqua | Cellarius | π | Book | 41 | Cartography | |
Geological and Geomorphological Study of the Originalο»Ώ Hill at the Base of Fourth Dynasty Egyptian Monuments | various | π | Paper | 23 | Geophysics | |
Geometric Exercises in Paper Folding | T. Sundra Row | ππ | Book | 180 | Geometry | |
Giant Comets Evolution and Civilization | Clube, Napier, Hoyle, Wickramasinghe | πππ | Paper | 40 | Cosmology | |
$Giants on Record | Hugh Newman and Jim Vieira | Book | Giants | |||
Global Changes During the Last 3 Million Years - Climatic Controls and Biotic Responses | Webb III and Bartlein | π | Paper | 30 | Geophysics | |
Global Megaflood Paleohydrology | Victor Baker | ππ | Paper | 26 | Geophysics | |
Glossary of Landform and Geologic Terms | National Cooperative Soil Survey | ππ | Book | 128 | Geophysics | |
Gobekli Tepe Slide | Dr.Emine Sonnur Γzcan | π | Paper | 1 | Gobekli Tepe | |
$Gods and Robots: Myths, Machines and Ancient Dreams of Technology | Adrienne Mayor | Book | Ancient Technology | |||
$Gods of Eden | William Bramley | Book | Anthropology | |||
Gravitation | Miser Thorne and Wheeler | πππππ | Book | 1304 | Physics | |
$Guns Germs and Steel | Jared Diamond | Book | Anthropology | |||
Gynecomastia in the Ancient Egypt Limestone Statue of Hemiunu | C. M. Oranges et al | π | Paper | 2 | Egypt | |
Hamlet's Mill | Santillana/Dechend | Book | 340 | Archaeoastronomy | ||
Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena | William R Corliss | ππππ | Book | 555 | Geophysics | |
Heraldry for Beginners | John P. Brooke-Little | π | Book | 20 | Heraldry | |
Herodotus v1 | Herodotus | πππ | Book | 546 | History | |
$Hidden History of the Human Race | Michael Cremo | Book | Anthropology | |||
History - Fiction or Science - Chronology v1 | Anatoly Fomenko | ππππ | Book | 626 | History | |
History - Fiction or Science - Chronology v2 | Anatoly Fomenko | ππππ | Book | 562 | History | |
History - Fiction or Science - Chronology v3 | Anatoly Fomenko | πππππ | Book | 828 | History | |
History - Fiction or Science - Chronology v4 | Anatoly Fomenko | πππππ | Book | 750 | History | |
History of Geotechnical Engineering (slides) | Ivo Herle | ππ | Book | 98 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
History of Plymouth Plantation | William Bradford | ππππ | Book | 478 | History | |
History of Plymouth Plantation Excerpt | William Bradford | ππ | Book | 23 | History | |
History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times | Isaac Taylor | ππππ | Book | 424 | History | |
Hopi Proper Names | H R Voth | ππ | Book | 51 | Hopi | |
How do Microorganisms Reach the Stratosphere | various | π | Paper | 3 | Biology | |
Humans in Latin America and Precolumia Lecture Slides | unknown | π | Paper | 38 | Native American | |
Hyperspectral Imaging on a Precolonial Mesoamerican Codex (rev) | Snijders, Zaman and Howell | π | Paper | 7 | Native American | |
IPCC 5th Report on Climate Change 2014 the Ocean | IPCC (various) | ππ | Book | 77 | Climatology | |
Identification of Seven Loci Affecting Mean Telomere Length | various | π | Paper | 8 | Genetics | |
Illustrations of Masonry | Captain William Morgan | ππ | Book | 88 | Masonic | |
In Search of the Miraculous | P D Ouspensky | ππππ | Book | 396 | Psychic Communication | |
Ind Evaluation of Conflicting Microspheruleο»Ώ results from Diff Investigations of theο»Ώ YDIH | various | π | Paper | 10 | Cosmology | |
Independent evaluation of conflicting microspherule results from different investigations of the Younger Dryas impact hypothesis | Malcolm LeCompte et al | ππ | Paper | 10 | Cosmology | |
Indian Art of the United States | Douglas and d'Harmoncourt | ππ | Book | 221 | Native American | |
Infrared and Optical Masers | Schawlow & Townes | π | Paper | 10 | Lasers/Masers | |
Integrated outcrop - Western Desert Egypt | Bosworth Stockli and Helgeson | π | Paper | 14 | Geophysics | |
Interpretation of the Archaeological Record for the Area in and Around the Helena Valley | William B. Long | πππ | Book | 156 | Archaeology | |
$Into the Bermuda Triangle | Gian J. Quasar | Book | Bermuda Triangle | |||
Intrinsic Redshifts in Quasars and Galaxies | Halton Arp, Fulton and Carosati | ππ | Paper | 36 | Physics | |
Intro to Freemasonry - The Masters Book | Carl H Claudy | ππ | Book | 84 | Masonic | |
Introduction to Gematria | Theophilos Christophorou | π | Book | 8 | Gematria | |
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | David Griffiths | πππ | Book | 303 | Physics | |
Irish Origins of Civilization v1 | Michael Tsarion | ππππ | Book | 688 | History | |
Iron Republic | Richard Morgan | ππ | Book | 94 | Anthropology | |
Isis Unveiled vol1 | H P Blavatski | ππππ | Book | 674 | Theosophy | |
Johnson Report on Al Daadi Fires | R. S. Johnson and B. H. Bahabri | ππ | Paper | 24 | Paranormal | |
Journey to Xibalba | Don Patterson | πππ | Book | 314 | Archaeology | |
Journey to the West | Wu Chengβen | πππππ | Book | 1410 | Chinese | |
Khordeh Avesta | Zoroastrianism | Book | 365 | Zoroastrian | ||
KΓ«bra Nagast - The Queen of Sheba andο»Ώ Her Only Son Menyelekο»Ώ | Sir E. A. Wallis Budge | πππ | Book | 279 | Hebrew | |
La Porta Alchemica | Wiki | π | Book | 1 | doc | Alchemy |
Landscape and Astronomy in Megalithic ο»ΏPortugal | Fabio Silva | π | Paper | 16 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
Lasers | Anthony Siegman | πππππ | Book | 1285 | Lasers/Masers | |
Lasersο»Ώ and Masersο»Ώ - A Continuing Bibliography | NASA | ππππ | Book | 367 | Lasers/Masers | |
Le Morte d'Arthur: Stories of Arthur and His Knights | Sir Thomas Malory | πππππ | Book | 770 | Arthurean | |
Lectures on Alchemy | Terrence McKenna | ππ | Book | 40 | Alchemy | |
Lectures on Ancient Philosophy (Companion Secret Teachings of All Ages) | Manly P Hall | ππππ | Book | 529 | Hermeticism | |
Lewis and Clark Journals | Lewis and Clark | Book | 422 | Exploration | ||
Lightning Auroras Nocturnal Lights and Related Luminous Phenome | William R Corliss | πππ | Book | 248 | Geophysics | |
Linda Schele Drawing Collection 01 | Linda Schele | π | Book | 100 | Maya | |
Linda Schele Drawing Collection 02 | Linda Schele | π | Book | 100 | Maya | |
Linda Schele Drawing Collection 03 | Linda Schele | π | Book | 99 | Maya | |
Linda Schele Drawing Collection 04 | Linda Schele | π | Book | 100 | Maya | |
Lorentzian Dynamics (abstracts) | Ronald Hatch | ππ | Paper | 17 | Physics | |
$Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of Science's Highest Honor | Brian Keating | Book | Physics | |||
Lost Race of the Giants | Patrick Chouinard | πππ | Book | 193 | Giants | |
Lovelock Cave | Loud and Harrington | πππ | Book | 260 | Giants | |
$Magicians of the Gods | Graham Hancock | Book | Archaeology | |||
Magnetic Current | Edward Leedskalnin | ππ | Book | 51 | Electromagetism | |
Making Places in theο»Ώ Prehistoric World | BrΓΌck and Goodman | πππ | Book | 239 | Archaeology | |
Man - Past and Present | A H Keane | ππππ | Book | 636 | Anthropology | |
Man - The Grand Symbol of the Mysteries | Manly P Hall | ππππ | Book | 412 | Esoteric | |
Man and His Symbols | Carl Jung | πππ | Book | 319 | Symbology | |
$Mankind in Amnesia | Immanuel Velikovsky | Book | Archaeology | |||
$Manuscript 512 | Mrs. Richard Burton | Book | Expedition | |||
Maps and Mapmaking | E. A. Reeves | πππ | Book | 178 | Cartography | |
Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings | Charles Hapgood | πππ | Book | 348 | Cartography | |
Mars Exploration 1984 (remote viewing) | CIA | π | Book | 9 | Psychic Communication | |
Mars as Viewed by Mariner 9 | NASA | ππ | Book | 244 | Astronomy | |
Matter Ether and Motion | A. E. Dolbear | ππππ | Book | 352 | Physics | |
Mazes and Labyrinths - A General Accounting of Their History and Development | W H Matthews | πππ | Book | 357 | Archaeology | |
Mean Paleomagnetic Poles for the Major Continents and the Pacific Plate | Richard Gordon and Rob Van der Voo | ππ | Paper | 15 | Geophysics | |
Measuring Ancient Works - Handout | Donald L Teter | π | Book | 60 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
Medicinal Plants v01 | Bentley and Trimen | ππππ | Book | 550 | Medicine - Herbal | |
Medicinal Plants v02 | Bentley and Trimen | ππππ | Book | 602 | Medicine - Herbal | |
Medicinal Plants v03 | Bentley and Trimen | ππππ | Book | 576 | Medicine - Herbal | |
Medicinal Plants v04 | Bentley and Trimen | ππππ | Book | 458 | Medicine - Herbal | |
Medieval Philosophy from Thomas Aquinas | Maurice De Wulf | ππ | Book | 172 | Philosophy | |
Messengers of Deception - UFO Contacts and Cults | Jacques Vallee | ππ | Book | 272 | Ufology | |
Micrographia | Robert Hooke | ππππ | Book | 323 | Optics | |
Minoan Linear A v1 | Peter George van Soesbergen | ππ | Book | 52 | Linear A | |
Minoan linguistic resources: The Linear A Digital Corpus | various | π | Paper | 10 | Linear A | |
Miskwabik - ο»ΏMetal of Ritual | Amelia M Trevelyan | πππ | Book | 358 | Archaeology | |
Missing Time | Buddy Hopkins | ππ | Book | 256 | Ufology | |
$Monster Truck Technology β The Definitive History of Monster Truck Evolution | Marty Garza | Book | Engineering | |||
Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry | Albert Pike | ππππ | Book | 641 | Masonic | |
Multiple Pinch Formations in Small Plasma-focus Devices | various | ππ | Paper | 7 | Physics | |
Musical Gematria | William Zeitler | ππ | Book | 34 | Gematria | |
My Inventions | Nikola Tesla | ππ | Book | 34 | Tesla | |
Mysteriousο»Ώ Creaturesο»Ώ - A Guide to ο»ΏCryptozoology | George M. Eberhart | ππππ | Book | 772 | Cryptozoology | |
Mystery of the Five Seals - Gnostic Initiation Reconsidered | Alastair H B Logan | π | Book | 20 | Gnostic | |
Mystics | William Harmless, S.J. | Book | 369 | Mysticism | ||
Mystics of the Christian Tradition | Steven Fanning | Book | 300 | Christian | ||
Myth and Symbol in Ancient Egypt | R. T. Rundle Clark | πππ | Book | 316 | Egyptian | |
Mythmaking in Alien Abductionο»Ώ Narratives | Stephanie Kelley-Romano | π | Paper | 24 | Psychology | |
Mythology of all Races v01 Greek and Roman | William Sherwood Fox | ππππ | Book | 684 | Mythology | |
Mythology of all Races v02 Eddic | Axel Olrik | ππππ | Book | 612 | Mythology | |
Mythology of all Races v03 Celtic and Slavic | MacCulloch and MΓ‘chal | ππππ | Book | 572 | Mythology | |
Mythology of all Races v04 Finno-Ugric and Siberian | Uno Holmberg | ππππ | Book | 878 | Mythology | |
Mythology of all Races v05 Semitic | R. Campbell Thomson | ππππ | Book | 500 | Mythology | |
Mythology of all Races v06 Indian and Iranian | Keith and Carnoy | ππππ | Book | 604 | Mythology | |
Mythology of all Races v07 Armenian and African | Ananikian and Werner | ππππ | Book | 622 | Mythology | |
Mythology of all Races v08 Chinese and Japanese | Hattori and Anesaki | ππππ | Book | 556 | Mythology | |
Mythology of all Races v09 Oceanic | Roland Burrage Dixon | ππππ | Book | 492 | Mythology | |
Mythology of all Races v10 North American | Hartley Burr Alexander | ππππ | Book | 423 | Mythology | |
Mythology of all Races v11 Latin-American | Hartley Burr Alexander | ππππ | Book | 622 | Mythology | |
Mythology of all Races v12 Egyptian and Indochinese | MΓΌller and Scott | ππππ | Book | 566 | Mythology | |
Myths and Legends of the Celtic Race | Thomas William Rolleston | ππππ | Book | 490 | Mythology | |
Myths of the Norsemen | HΓ©lΓ¨ne Adeline Guerber | πππ | Book | 547 | Nordic | |
Myths ofο»Ώ Pre-Columbian America | Donald A Mackenzie | ππππ | Book | 440 | Mythology | |
Nagualism: A Study of Native American Folklore and History | Daniel G. Brinton | Book | 65 | Native American | ||
Nanofluidic Structures with Complex Three-dimensional Surfaces | various | ππ | Paper | 7 | Physics | |
Native iron in Quaternary deposits of the Darhad Basin | D. M. Pechersky et al | πππ | Paper | 16 | Archaeology | |
Natural Climate Change - Teacher Background | unknown | π | Paper | 4 | Geophysics | |
Navajo Creation Myth - The Story of the Emergence | Hasteen Klah | πππ | Book | 257 | Native American | |
Necronomicon Anunnaki Bible | Joshua Free | πππ | Book | 425 | Theology | |
New Views of the Origin of the Tribes and Nations of America | Benjamin Smith Barton | πππ | Book | 221 | Native American | |
Newton Einstein & Velikovsky | Charles Ginenthal | ππππ | Book | 478 | Electric Universe | |
No Experimental Evidence for the Significantο»Ώ Anthropogenic Climate Change | Kaupinnen and Malmi | ππ | Paper | 6 | Geophysics | |
$Norse Mythology | Neil Gaiman | Book | Nordic | |||
North American Indian Effigy Mounds | Andrei Apostol | π | Paper | 15 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
Occult Philosophy or Magic 1 Natural Magic | Henry Agrippa | πππ | Book | 316 | Magic | |
Occult Philosophy or Magic 2 The Language of Demons and Angels | Henry Agrippa | πππ | Book | 265 | Magic | |
$Oedipus and Akhnaton | Immanuel Velikovsky | Book | Anthropology | |||
On Mankind - Their Origin and Destiny | Arthur Doyt Thomson | πππππ | Book | 860 | History | |
On the Construction of the Vaults of the Middle Ages | R Willis | ππ | Book | 74 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection | Charles Darwin | ππππ | Book | 410 | Evolutionary Biology | |
Ontario Archaeological SocietyArch Notes | Ontario Achaeological Society | πππ | Paper | 26 | Archaeology | |
Ontarios Archaeological Curation Crisis - Twenty Years Later | Stuart Karrow | πππ | Paper | 40 | Archaeology | |
Opticks | Isaac Newton | πππ | Book | 376 | Optics | |
Orders of the Questο»Ώ - The Holy Grail | Manly P Hall | ππ | Book | 102 | Esoteric | |
Paleomagnetism - Continents and Oceans | McElhinney and McFadden | ππππ | Book | 407 | Geophysics | |
Paleomagnetism - Magnetic Domains to Geologic Terranes | Robert F Butler | πππ | Book | 248 | Geophysics | |
Paradise Found - The Cradle of the Human Race at the North Pole | William Fairfield Warren | πππ | Book | 545 | Anthropology | |
Partitions Compartments and Portals - Cave Development in Internally Impounded Karst Masses | R. Armstrong and L. Osborne | ππ | Paper | 11 | Geophysics | |
Parzival - A Knightly Epic vol1 | Wolfram Von Eschenbach | πππ | Book | 359 | Arthurean | |
Parzival - A Knightly Epic vol2 | Wolfram Von Eschenbach | πππ | Book | 236 | Arthurean | |
Pentagrams Hexagrams and Sacred Geometry | Jason Augustus Newcomb | π | Book | 3 | Alchemy | |
Philosophy of Masonry | Roscoe Pound | πππ | Book | 112 | Masonic | |
Physics of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (textbook) | Buschow & Boer | πππππ | Book | 191 | Electromagetism | |
Pictograph Cave State Park Montana | | ππ | Paper | 17 | Worksheet | |
Pictorial Key to the Tarot | Arthur Edward Waite | ππ | Book | 134 | Alchemy | |
Pictorial Symbols of Alchemy | Arthur Edward Waite | π | Book | 9 | Alchemy | |
Pieces of Eight - Chaos Magic Essays and Enchantments | Gordon White | πππ | Book | 155 | Magic | |
Plague - C1372 | Abbott and Rocke | ππ | Book | 96 | Plagues | |
Plague and the Edn of Antiquity | Lester K Little | πππ | Book | 392 | Plagues | |
Popol Vuh the Mythic and Heroic Sagas of the Kiches | Lewis Spence | ππ | Book | 51 | epub | Maya |
Possible Photon Production During a Remote Viewing Task - A Replication Experiment | SRI | π | Paper | 5 | Psychic Communication | |
Power Generation from Ambient Humidityusing Protein Nanowires | Xiaomeng Liu et al | π | Paper | 7 | Physics | |
Pre-Columbian Population | Lewis Lord | π | Paper | 4 | Native American | |
$Prehistory Decoded | Dr. Martin Sweatman | Book | Anthropology | |||
Prehistory of theο»Ώ Central Mississippi Valley | Charles McNutt | πππ | Book | 328 | Archaeology | |
Probable History of the Holloman Gravel PitatFrederick, Oklahoma | O. F. Evans | π | Paper | 3 | Geophysics | |
Protophobic Fifth Force Intptn Obsvd Anomaly 8Be Nuclearο»Ώ Trans | Various | ππ | Paper | 6 | Physics | |
Psi Spie | Jim Marrs | πππ | Book | 320 | Psychic Communication | |
Pyramid Facts and Fancies | James Bonwick | πππ | Book | 216 | Egyptian | |
Quantum Electrodynamics & 2012 | David Sereda | ππ | Book | 77 | Physics | |
Quarks Fake - Brief Chronology | Peter Sujak | π | Paper | 3 | Physics | |
Quasars, Gamma Ray Bursters and BL Lacertids | Halton Arp | π | Paper | 3 | Cosmology | |
$ReMaking History v01 | William Gurstelle | Book | Engineering | |||
Relativity and GPS | Ronald Hatch | ππ | Paper | 26 | Physics | |
Remote Viewing | Tim Rifat | ππ | Book | 99 | Psychic Communication | |
Report of Archeologicalο»Ώ Investigations for 2018 Texas Parks and Wildlife Department | Strutt and Mahoney | πππ | Book | 286 | Archaeology | |
Report on the Clocks and the Equivalence Principle by Ronald Hatch | Alzetta Jonathan | ππ | Paper | 45 | Physics | |
Reports of the Californiaο»Ώ Archaeological Survey no3 | UC Berkeley | π | Paper | 13 | Archaeology | |
Representation of Deities of the Maya Manuscript | Paul Schellhas | ππ | Book | 56 | epub | Maya |
Rethinking Symbolism | Dan Sperber | ππ | Book | 162 | Symbology | |
River Out of Eden | Richard Dawkins | πππ | Book | 183 | Evolutionary Biology | |
Sacred Books of the East v01 The Upanishads pt1 | Max Muller | ππππ | Book | 471 | Hindu | |
Sacred Geometry of Being | Patricia Silva McNeill | ππ | Paper | 26 | Magic | |
Sacred Geometry of Perfect Forms in East and West | Richard Cooler | π | Paper | 14 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
$Sacred Mushroom Rituals: The Search for the Blood of Quetzalcoatl | Tom Lane | Book | Psychedelic | |||
Sacred Mysteries of the Mayas and Quiches 11500 Years Ago | Augustus Le Plongeon | ππ | Book | 150 | epub | Maya |
Science and Catastrophism from Velikovsk to the Present Day | Trevor Palmer | π | Paper | 47 | Catastrophism | |
Secret History of the World | Mark Booth | ππππ | Book | 409 | History | |
Secrets of the Lost Races | Rene Noorbergen | ππ | Book | 221 | Archaeology | |
$Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science | Halton Arp | Book | Cosmology | |||
$Serpent in the Sky - The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt | John Anthony West | Book | Egyptian | |||
Shakespeare - The complete works | William Shakespeare | ππππ | Book | 3,601 | Shakespeare | |
Singh Thesis | Satya Prakash Singh | πππ | Book | 194 | Electromagetism | |
Sirius and the Project of the Megalithic Enclosuresο»Ώ at Gobekli Tepe | Giulio Magli | π | Paper | 4 | Gobekli Tepe | |
So What is Actually the Distance from the Equator to the Pole | A Weintrit | π | Paper | 14 | Metrology | |
Solari Report 2-21-19 Walter Bosley | Solari Report | ππ | Book | 38 | Interview | |
Some Mysteries of the Universe | William R Corliss | πππ | Book | 216 | Cosmology | |
Space-time Transients and Unusual Events | Persinger and LafreniΓ¨r | πππ | Book | 256 | Paranormal | |
Speculative Masonry | Andrew Somerville MacBride | πππ | Book | 292 | Masonic | |
Star Lore of All Ages | William Tyler Olcott | ππππ | Book | 608 | Mythology | |
Star Names and Their Meanings | Richard Hickley Allen | πππππ | Book | 599 | Archaeoastronomy | |
$Stargazers and Gravediggers | Immanuel Velikovsky | Book | Anthropology | |||
Stimulating Emission - The Principles of the Maser and Laser (slides) | Matt Henderson | π | Paper | 15 | Lasers/Masers | |
Student World Atlas | MapQuest | ππ | Book | 115 | Cartography | |
Sun Lore of all Ages | William Tyler Olcott | πππ | Book | 438 | Mythology | |
Symbol and the Symbolicο»Ώ Ancient Egypt - Science and the Evolution of Consciousness | R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz | ππ | Book | 89 | Egyptian | |
Symbolical Masonry | H. L. Haywood | πππ | Book | 275 | Masonic | |
Symbolism of the Tarot | P. D. Ouspensky | ππ | Book | 63 | Alchemy | |
Symbolism of the Three Degrees | Oliver Day Street | ππ | Book | 53 | Masonic | |
$Tales of the Picts | Stewart McHardy | Book | Anthropology | |||
$Talisman | Hancock and Bauval | Book | Archaeology | |||
Tao I Ching | Vladimir Antonov | ππππ | Book | 44 | Taoism | |
$Technology of the Gods | David Hatcher Childress | Book | Ancient Engineering | |||
Telomerases Telomeresο»Ώ and Cancer | Krupp & Parwaresch | ππππ | Book | 444 | Genetics | |
Telomeres and Telomerase - Methods and Protocol | Double & Thompson | πππ | Book | 236 | Genetics | |
Telomeres and Telomerase in Ageing Disease and Cancer | K Lenhard Rudolph | πππ | Book | 328 | Genetics | |
Temples Tombs and Monuments of Ancient Rome and Greece | W. H. Davenport Adams | πππ | Book | 328 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
Texas Earthquakes | Frohlich and Davis | πππ | Book | 294 | Geophysics | |
Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept Report of Archeological Investigations 2018 | Michael A Strutt | πππ | Book | 286 | Archaeology | |
TexasDOT Archeological Sites Technical Study(Tex-Okla Pass Rail Study) | USDoT-Rail | ππ | Book | 86 | Archaeology | |
The Adam and Eve Story | Chan Thomas | ππ | Book | 57 | Cataclysm | |
The Ancestor's Tale | Richard Dawkins | ππππ | Book | 510 | Evolutionary Biology | |
The Ancient Celts and Their Sprituality (slides) | Thomas Egan | π | Paper | 20 | Theology | |
The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts v1 | R. O. Faulkner | πππ | Book | 299 | Egyptian | |
The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts v2 | R. O. Faulkner | πππ | Book | 316 | Egyptian | |
The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts v3 | R. O. Faulkner | πππ | Book | 210 | Egyptian | |
The Ancient Engineers | L. Sprague de Camp | πππ | Book | 482 | Geotechnical Engineering | |
The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America (Supplement) | Richard Dewhurst | ππ | Book | 54 | Giants | |
The Arctic Home in the Vedas | Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak | πππ | Book | 545 | Hindu | |
The Arctic Home in the Vedas (revised) | Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak | πππ | Book | 471 | Hindu | |
The Astrobiology Primer | Mary Anne Leibert | ππ | Book | 79 | Cosmology | |
The Atra Hasis (Akkadian flood) | Akkidian | ππ | Paper | 17 | Catastrophism | |
The Bible Atlas | The Access Foundation | Book | 197 | Cartography | ||
The Bible KJV | King James Version | ππππ | Book | 742 | Christian | |
The Blind Watchmaker | Richard Dawkins | πππ | Book | 336 | Evolutionary Biology | |
The Book of Dagon | Jeremiah Van-Meier | π | Book | 29 | Theosophy | |
The Book of Enoch | Andy McCracken | ππ | Book | 158 | Hebrew | |
The Book of Enoch | Ethiopian Hebrew | ππ | Book | 160 | Hebrew | |
The Book of Jasher | J. H. Parry | Book | 405 | Hebrew | ||
The Book of Kells | Sir Bart Edward Sullivan | πππ | Book | 193 | Celtic | |
The Book of Mormon | Joseph Smith | Book | 558 | Mormon | ||
The Book of Talismans Amulets and Zodiacal Gems | Thomas & Pavitt | ππππ | Book | 331 | Alchemy | |
The Books of the Chilan Balam | Daniel G Brinton | π | Book | 28 | epub | Maya |
The Builders | Joseph Fort Newton | ππ | Book | 111 | Masonic | |
The Chaldaean Oracles of Zoroaster | William Wynn Westcott | ππ | Book | 72 | Zoroastrian | |
The Character of Physical Law | Richard Feynman | πππ | Book | 176 | Physics | |
The Characterisation and Provenancing of Ancient Ochres | Nicola Attard Montalto | πππ | Book | 293 | Archaeology | |
The Codex Colombino-Becker (Interpretation) | Nancy Ireze Patterson Troike | ππππ | Book | 494 | Maya | |
The Coordinate Remote Viewing Manual | Various | ππ | Book | 98 | Psychic Communication | |
The Coordinate Remote Viewing Stages 1-4 | Swann | π | Book | 40 | Psychic Communication | |
The Cosmic Forces of Mu | James Churchward | ππ | Book | 280 | Cosmology | |
The Cyclone of Fireο»Ώ -orο»Ώ- The Hinckley Fire | Companion Publishing Co | ππ | Book | 86 | Catastrophism | |
The Dawn of Astronomy - A Study of the Temple Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians | J. Norman Lockyer | ππππ | Book | 482 | Egyptian | |
The Death of Heracles | Ev Cochrane | ππ | Paper | 18 | Catastrophism | |
The Decipherment of Linear A | Simon Davis | π | Paper | 25 | Linear A | |
The Dresden Codex (Forstemann scans) | Forstemann | πππππ | Book | 74 | Maya | |
The Dresden Codex (The Maya Society) | William Gates | ππ | Book | 81 | Maya | |
The Eddas - The Keys to theο»Ώ Mysteries of the North | James Allen Chisholm | πππ | Book | 217 | Nordic | |
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean | Dr. Doreal | πππ | Book | 67 | Alchemy | |
The Epic of Gilgamesh and other Akkadian and Sumerian Texts | Sumerian | ππ | Book | 300 | Sumerian | |
The Epidemic of Justinian (AD 542) - A Prelude to the Middle Ages | Acta Theologica | ππ | Paper | 13 | Plagues | |
The Extended ο»ΏPhenotype | Richard Dawkins | πππ | Book | 287 | Evolutionary Biology | |
The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries | W Y Evans Wentz | ππππ | Book | 562 | Celtic | |
The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries bw | W Y Evans Wentz | ππππ | Book | 562 | Celtic | |
The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla | David Hatcher Childress | πππ | Book | 244 | Tesla | |
The First 23 Pages of the Dresden Codex - The Divination Pages | Edwin L. Barnhart | πππ | Book | 145 | Maya | |
The First Book of Urizen | William Blake | π | Book | 16 | Magic | |
The Foundations of the Origin of Species | Charles Darwin | πππ | Book | 310 | Evolutionary Biology | |
The Four Vedas | Hindu | Book | 1,446 | Hindu | ||
The Gallic Wars | Julius Caeser | πππ | Book | 196 | History | |
The Gateway Experience - Brain Hemisphere Synchronization in Perspective | Wayne M McDonnell | πππ | Paper | 29 | Psychic Communication | |
The Geological Record of Meteorite Impacts | Gordon R. Osinski | π | Paper | 12 | Cosmology | |
The Giza Death Star 1 | Joseph P Farrell | πππ | Book | 312 | Lasers/Masers | |
The Giza Death Star 2 Deployed | Joseph P Farrell | πππ | Book | 300 | Lasers/Masers | |
The Giza Death Star 3 Destroyed | Joseph P Farrell | πππ | Book | 301 | Lasers/Masers | |
The Gods of the Egyptians v1 | E. A. Wallis Bugde | πππ | Book | Egyptian | ||
The Gods of the Egyptians v2 | E. A. Wallis Bugde | πππ | Book | 556 | Egyptian | |
The Gospel of Judas | Nat'l Geographic Society | π | Book | 7 | Gnostic | |
The Gospel of Thomas | Nag Hammadi | π | Book | 16 | Gnostic | |
The Great Fire of 1910 | π | Paper | 9 | Catastrophism | ||
The Great Fires of October 1871 | π | Paper | 11 | Catastrophism | ||
The Great Pyramid of Giza - Decoding the Measure of a Monument | Eckhart R Schmitz | ππ | Book | 131 | Egypt | |
The Great ο»ΏPyramid of Giza - ο»ΏHistory and Speculation | James Bonwick | πππ | Book | 233 | Egyptian | |
The Greatest Show on Earth | Richard Dawkins | πππ | Book | 257 | Evolutionary Biology | |
The Greek Myths | Robert Graves | πππ | Book | 422 | Mythology | |
The Guns of NASA | William L. Ross Sr. and Donald Henderson | ππ | Paper | 8 | Engineering | |
The Hero With A Thousand Faces | Joseph Campbell | ππππ | Book | 497 | Literary Anthology | |
The Human Atmosphere | Walter Kilner | πππ | Book | 360 | Physiology | |
The Hunt for Zero Point | Nick Cook | πππ | Book | 318 | Physics | |
The Illustrated Guide to the Egyptian Museum Cairo | American Univ. Press in Cairo | πππ | Book | 314 | Egyptian | |
The Incas - The Royal Commentaries of the Inca | Garcilaso de la Vega | πππ | Book | 452 | Maya | |
The Indians Old World - Native Americans and the Coming of Europeans | Neal Salisbury | π | Paper | 25 | Native American | |
The Law of One v1 | McCarthy Elkins and Rueckert | πππ | Book | 233 | Psychic Communication | |
The Law of One v2 | McCarthy Elkins and Rueckert | πππ | Book | 125 | Psychic Communication | |
The Law of One v3 | McCarthy Elkins and Rueckert | πππ | Book | 178 | Psychic Communication | |
The Law of One v4 | McCarthy Elkins and Rueckert | πππ | Book | 213 | Psychic Communication | |
The Law of One v5 | McCarthy Elkins and Rueckert | πππ | Book | 210 | Psychic Communication | |
The Legends of the Jews | Louis Ginzberg | Book | 696 | Hebrew | ||
The Light of Egypt v1 | Thomas H Burgoyne | πππ | Book | 300 | Metaphysics | |
The Light of Egypt v2 | Thomas H Burgoyne | ππ | Book | 124 | Metaphysics | |
The Literary Works of Leonardo Da Vinci v1 | Jean Paul Richter | ππππ | Book | 544 | Leonardo DaVinci | |
The Orientations of the Giza Pyramids and Associated Structures | Nell and Ruggles | ππ | Paper | 54 | Egyptian | |
The Origin of the Carolina Bays and the Oriented Lakes of Alaska | Allan O. Kelly | ππ | Paper | 6 | Cosmology | |
The Rgvedic Soma Plant | Rajesh Kochhar | π | Paper | 16 | Theology | |
The Spirit of Manitou Across North America | Herman Bender | ππ | Paper | 35 | Native American | |
The Symbol of the Hybrid Human Alien Childin the Abduction Phenomenon | Robert J. Williams | ππ | Paper | 14 | Psychology | |
The Wilsall Excavations - An Exercise in Frustration | Dee C. Taylor | π | Paper | 4 | Archaeology | |
The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis a Requiem | Elsevier (various) | π | Paper | 18 | Cosmology | |
Thermoacoustic Power Systems for Space Applications | Backhaus Tward and Petach | ππ | Paper | 8 | Engineering | |
Theο»Ώ Literatureο»Ώ ofο»Ώ Ancientο»Ώ Egypt | Yale University | πππππ | Book | 619 | Egyptian | |
Three Elusive Amulets | A. A. Barb | ππ | Paper | 27 | Esoteric | |
Translation of Einsteinβs Attempt of aο»Ώ Unified Field Theory with Teleparallelism | Unzicker and Case | ππ | Paper | 23 | Physics | |
Tyrants and Robots | Adrienne Mayor | π | Paper | 13 | Ancient Technology | |
Understanding the Plasma and Magnetic Field Evolution of a Filament | various | ππ | Paper | 17 | Electric Universe | |
Was the Higgs Boson Discovered | Nguyen and Nguyen | πππ | Paper | 23 | Physics | |
Why do we Still Believe in Newtonβs Law | Alexander Unzicker | πππ | Paper | 29 | Physics | |
Wisconsin Dept of Nat Resources - Burials Earthworks and Mounds Preservation Policy and Plan | Wisconsin Dept of Nat Resources | π | Paper | 6 | Archaeology | |
Wisconsin Stories - The Great Peshtigo Fire | Rev Peter Pernin | ππ | Paper | 36 | Catastrophism | |
Younger Dryas Black Mats and the RancholabreanTermination in North America | C. Vance Haynes Jr. | π | Paper | 6 | Cosmology | |
Yucatan Before and After the Conquest | Diego de Landa | πππ | Book | 249 | Maya |
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